
Margaret's children auctioned that off a few years back - a travesty!

I'm fond of the design of the French Ruby Parure - very regal!

I've been recommending that blog all day. Been reading it since 2010 ;)

Is this tiara-day on Jezebel? If so, I am ON BOARD. Here's my future-fantasy-wedding-tiara (of course, to get my hands on it I'd have to marry the Duke of Westminster's son... but he's pretty dishy and a girl can dream!):

I don't watch Girls, but I'd probably read a self-help book written by Adam's sister. It'd be the exact opposite of Chicken Soup For the Soul, a sort of Mouldy Pizza and a Kick In The Nuts For the Soul, if you will.

This one. Ugggggh. The idea is lovely, the execution terrible.

It wouldn't take that much tweaking. I feel the aquamarine would be infinitely better if they just took off the huge emerald-cut one in the middle and slightly rearranged the arches... not sure the ruby can be saved, though. You know they deconstructed this beauty to make it?! Ugh.

If you're anything like me, it'll be your No.1 form of procrastination for years to come. I sympathise, and apologise.

It's definitely a possibility, although the Queen doesn't tend to actually give tiaras away any more - Diana received the Lover's Knot as a life loan, so it's back in the royal collection, and Kate has only ever borrowed tiaras (the Halo and the Papyrus). The Papyrus, interestingly, was with Margaret before her death,


I wouldn't, either - I just have far too much on the line. Also, given that I've had two guys say "don't worry about it, it'll be fine!" when neither of us brought a condom (no, neither of them got any), I certainly wouldn't trust a guy (especially when it's a casual thing) to be truthful about being "on the pill".

I learnt everything I know from Order of Splendor, on which I've wiled away many an afternoon! Also this book is a treasure-trove of sparkle-porn!

Ahh, the Cut Steel tiara. A lovely piece, and surprisingly sparkly for one without a single diamond on it! Apparently Queen Silvia found it whilst clearing out a random cupboard in the palace. If only I made such discoveries whilst spring cleaning.

It's called Queen Victoria's Emerald and Diamond tiara. Sadly now owned by an unidentified descendent. Designed by Prince Albert - the man knew his way around a jewel box!

I apologise, I only realised after reading this comment that you'd also mentioned it in another!

Oh, don't worry! She arrives in the tiara in the bottom picture, then changes into the STATE MOTHERFUCKING CROWN for the actual speech. Philip wishes he could keep up.

Even the Queen doesn't wear tiaras to lunch. The only person who should be wearing a tiara to lunch is a 5-year-old girl who has just had one of those Princess makeovers at Disneyland.

QEII agrees with you :)

It's called the "Girls of Great Britain and Ireland" tiara - it's the Queen's favourite, she wears it on all the banknotes!

I bet their dinner reservation was cancelled on purpose. Her Majesty doesn't like anyone attempting to outshine her on home turf, although she's a tough act to follow.