
One way contracts. Owners can waive a player for any reason and not honor the deal. MLB guarantees contracts on both ends and they’re thriving. Fuck the NFL owners.

I get so sick of this old left wing talking point. The so called “chicken hawks” all had valid reasons for why they did not have the privilege of serving their country in Vietnam:

No, they’re aware of the need to honor the flag and all the freedoms it stands for in the face of terrorism, while deploying tactics you’d expect from one of the countries (rife with terrorism, and no freedoms) we needed to wave the flag at in the first place...because freedoms.

It also looked like they were encouraging the fans to cheer louder. Sometimes nice things happen in sports.

Fresno State declined the penalty, too.

That’s some pretty good Steelers cosplay.

Finebaum would still have cried fowl

Kaepernick should have performed an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary. The only acceptable form of protest.

White People: “C’mon black people, can’t you act more like your earlier civil rights leaders? Yeah, the ones we imprisoned & murdered.”


Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

Conservatives on big government: “I made this money with my own hard work, I didn’t need the government’s help.”

I’m not even playing Pokemon Go (yet) and I’m still annoyed by all of the bitching about it. Just shut up and let people enjoy their hobbies.

Once I found it, it was so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t see it right off.

Better than Cardinals.

I liked this kid until I saw the hat on his head. Poor life choices.

No way that’s Jeter’s lineup. It’s got the actress with the most range at short.

Indeed. These debates really bring out people’s pro-management bias. Underneath it all, athletes are labor, but labor sufficiently privileged to occasionally choose the location of their work. Why shouldn’t Durant do what he wants? What the fuck does he owe the Thunder?

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?