
Make the helmets soft and only hard headed people will continue to make tackles like that.

When I heard this, my ears pricked up thinking it was a bris-tling story, but now I see that I was cialisly wong.

Can you imagine what it’s going to be like for him when he finally gets back on the meds and becomes self-aware?

White people get ashy too you just can't see it

No but your username crosses the line.

That’s not necessarily true. If you are wealthy black person or a wealthy white person then yes the Democratic party's for you. If your middle class or lower neither party is really for you. The Democrats are merely a lesser of two evils. It's not about race it's about class warfare. 

Omg, I never thought of it that way. Although calling him Clayton Bigsby, is akin to calling him the worst insult you can say to a black man.

I never understood the love for Kanye. It’s not like he’s mos def, or rakim, Chuck d, krs, anybody from Wu Tang or even Nas. His music is bad. 

Again, aren’t there teams in need of QBs as well? Why is free safety all of a sudden a more important position than QB? I guess there are $25M safeties on each team.

Your logic doesn’t make any sense. You argue both sides with Kaepernick and Reid. On one hand, Kaepernick’s value as a QB is unquestioned, yet he is being colluded against by the league, whereas somehow Reid because he too is a “baller” was able to get signed, despite his complaints and others too that he was being

dummy, reid only began playing again this season. try reading comprehension. it works wonders.

He defused the situation.

You guys are still doing it wrong. When you call 911 on these guys, make sure you emphasize that they have a gun and are threatening people. Of course, I’m hoping the cops will roll up and summarily convict and execute these white people like they do to black people. Hoping...

This is bullshit. If it wasn’t for Jenkins, Reid would still be looking for a job. Jenkins’ leadership has created the environment that we see today that led to Reid being offered a job finally. Reid was the soft easy win, the easy lay up before trying to get Kaepernick back in the league.

Or even worse, you could be a poor, uneducated white male in the south in 1860, where you willingly sacrifice your life so that rich white people can continue to live comfortably, depress your wages and enslave a race of people.

It’s sad when you see African Americans not working together, but I guess it could be worse, like what you see white women doing to each other. It makes me think of that BDP song “Black Cop,” but the white woman version would be “Becky.

This sounds petty, but really, the only response is to start calling the cops on white people doing anything.

See a white woman with a child? Call the cops. She’s kidnapping him.

Well, if we rank these on journalistic integrity:

holy shit! BURN. Chris, just quit and go cut lawns or something.