
getting all of the information made a vas deferens in understanding how shafted the public was!

It’s just sad that everyone who donated is going to get shafted. There’s got to be a way to make things right for them, but I’m stumped.

This is just the tip of the story, more information is bound to come gushing out.

Nope.  The blue lives matter flag is NOT about honoring cops.  It is about denigrating the black lives matter movement.  It was fucking invented to rebut the black lives matter movement.  There are thousands of ways to honor first responders. This ain’t it.

You know what ACTUALLY tears people apart?

So why the symbol of a group unaffiliated with PBP and not, say, the logo of the force or the Pittsburgh FOP? That’s like bringing an evangelical Christian out to represent Jews.

What would you think if they had brought out and prominently displayed as part of the pregame ceremony a Black Lives Matter banner at some sporting event in South Carolina where they honored the victims of the Charlottesville shooting?

We have a perfectly good flag to honor cops and others who put their lives on the line.

That’s their fucking job

If you want to honor cops, do so.  Just um...don’t use the BlueLivesMatter bullshit that was solely created to downplay the BlackLivesMatter movement...just saying.

But, for real, why is it that some black conservatives’ lips are so dry? Is that what happens when someone spends too much time kissing white asses?

bad people on both sides.  got it.  thx Chris. 

Call the kitten Brandin.

I owe all the MLS fans an apology. You claimed MLS was just the same as a lot of European leagues and I didn’t believe you.

On the bright side, this display of antisemitism lacks teeth.

The problem with this is what does “immediately” mean? I have always taken issue with this rule for this exact reason. It gets described as a second, a few strides, avoidable. It isn’t clearly defined. Thus, unless it gets called in the game, players are going to strat testing likits and stretching it out.

Ignore the men and watch the women. So much better.

Philadelphia has been led by Claude Giroux who has 70 points in 60 games, is good defensively and probably wouldn’t have made Canada’s Olympic team if NHLers were there because it’s so deep.

communism is the state assigning you the job of being an actor and not paying you any money because everyone works together and has everything provided for you by the state.
FREE MARKET CAPITALISM is where you earn the amount of money that you sign up for.
Now there’s economic incentive (i.e. not going to get

“This article basically seems to be promoting communism.”...In much the same way you are promoting the desperate need for better education in this country. Inform yourself. There’s this thing called the internet.