Coalboy is IGNORANT af.
Coalboy is IGNORANT af.
Bless you
Wow! He owes them 500 mill? Do you have a source I can check out?? Also, if this is true and not a joke that flew over my head, how are people not talking about this??
I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected
Color pop makes Kylie’s. They are even in the same factory!
WHAT the actual FUCK
Aw, I’m glad : ) Keep commenting. I know I can’t be the only fan!’s RIGGED!
This is an embarrassing confession, but one of your comments made me laugh so hard, I screen shotted it and sent it to my bestie group chat. It’s on my old phone but it was something about talking dirty but in the style of therapy. You should be ungreyed like yesterday!
This made me tear up. Hugs and love to you
story time!
I had the exact same thought and flicker of doubt!
WHAT. you poor thing : (
This made me laugh. Glad it wasn’t gangrene!
You were being presumptuous by assuming that I unequivocally approved of the glee version. I prefer it to this, not the original, purely from a sound standpoint. I wasn’t making an argument for the whole glee episode; which got mixed reviews, and which I care about not at all.
Amber Riley is the sole reason I prefer this and think it trumps this Laverne Cox version...I agree about the unfortunate bleaching of the original glee did. if Laverne sang it with half the swagger and flair that Riley does here, my opinion would be different. Nothing beats the original of course, but I think it’s…
For my money, this cover is way, waaay better