Baba Yaga Bony Legs

I thought I was the only one who couldn't use bobby pins! solidarity fistbump!

I love you!

Links or it didn't happen

'POST TO BE' IS MY SHIT! Jhene Aiko's verse should have been longer

<3 You are so strong, brave and lovely. Returning your hugs, and I just want to say that I so admire your courage and drive. It's inspiring. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you. You are SO right. It's hard not to take it personally. This is what hurts the most. Objectively I understand, that ultimately we don't fit. It hurts that he's okay and not hurting. It stings that the thought of losing me or not having me around won't bother him at all. He's one of those lucky,

Copying from GT, because I find the responses so encouraging; here's to healing:

I also feel like British Television is not as beholden to having perfectly attractive, young actors in all its roles.(I'm thinking of shows like Vera, which had a middle aged woman in the lead role) Seems like American television nowadays simply cannot cast plain featured, brilliant actors in starring roles.

Rebecca is leaving???

I know the Raffeygate story, but can you explain the m-o-o-n thing?

We have the same mother! They text and email in the EXACT same way

I am so excited for this blog! Looking forward to getting to know you, Jane Marie!

Seriously, the electric palette is wonderful, and very wearable! Don't be scurrred. Tutorials on youtube are a good jump off point


In 3 years, I'll be 30...and I've only sexed 2 dudes in my life

I just laughed my ass of at "Fake Obama curses him out and hangs up. Typical fake Obama."

I am off to immediately follow suit and re-read his exchange in Tommy Wisseau's voice. You are brilliant.

How and Why do you hate Chrissy Tiegen??

I feel like I just watched "white parents be like " meme. Had to snicker at how 'putting the foot down' translated to being banished to the bedroom. If I told my mom to shut up...ooooh. Shit would have played out very differently

I'm confused. Did she post this picture to her IG herself? Ironically?