B. A. Baracus Maracas

I know it's pointless to try to logic this show because the killer is gonna end up being someone flashy that hasn't been set up plot wise, but the fact that nick jonas wasn't one of the bodies displayed is a big clue that he's involved.

I can't believe his undercover agent name is Booth. Like do TV FBI agents watch other TV FBI agents for ideas?

Unpopular opinion probably, but every time Jimmy goes off on his own storyline I'm like 'ugh, where's subway surf.'

Is it physically possible to tattoo a nipple? Most chest pieces that I've seen have little nipple islands.

Diego Bonnetti all grown up came into the facial legacy of Buzz Lightyear.

The gymnastics the show goes through to obscure Jamie Alexander's butt crack are Olympic worthy.

Well them he was compensating for being incompetent by being a bully but now that he's been knocked down a billion pegs and slapped in the face with reality, I'm sure he'll get a chance to redeem himself.

Jake's realization that it's their sex tape now was so sweet.
It reminded me of the end of Clueless (Spoilers?) where the girls are talking about what they want their weddings to be like and the guys are like "they're planning our weddings!"
Like Murray is going to be up front and center for Dionne's sailor wedding and

Where are Shitstain, Honeynutz, and Sam? They were probably so insulted not to have been invited to Gretchen's party even though they are colleagues.

Yo, the bearded dude walking away from the flat lining was suspicious as fuck. No one even gave him the side eye.

This whole time Mindy has been cheating on Danny with a banister.

So were they gonna meet Matt's friend for a threesome or not? I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic.

I feel like there was a big jump from Gretchen feeling unwanted all episode and not wanting to go into the store and then going into the store and not buying the stuff and then yelling at Jimmy about it to her marching into his house, ignoring the move he is making to make her feel welcome and demanding space for her

And his ashamed delivery of how he has to keep an eye on the men's showers for any kerfuffles?

I was hooked after I saw Alfonso Herrera playing Hernando. He is an actual Mexican telenovela star and the fact that he was playing a gay character and it wasn't for laughs made me wanna stick around to see how far he would go. SPOILERS:


I feel like Capheus got left out of this because he was in a very sexy Van Damme watching head space. It's not like Will wasn't in a semi public space either.
SPOILERS because I've been binging and have blurry idea of what happened in which episode but:
I feel like he's left out or out of touch a lot in that when he

Up until this episode, both Fonda and Tomlin both seemed so vital and robust, but seeing Fonda struggling to put her arms around Nelson made her seem so tiny and frail. I forgot these women were in their 70's!

Maybe because she's more powerful? The first guy was a random SHIElD engineer.

I totally agree with this as an audience member, but if I were one of her people, and I saw her personality change drastically I think it would be harder for me to follow her. I think that's why Lincoln was so shocked when he realized how fucked up it all really was.