B. A. Baracus Maracas

The CGI on Skye when Jiaying was absorbing her life force made her look like Jimmy Angelo in Practical Magic.

Maybe calling her Skye instead of Daisy is how she emotionally distances herself from her.

And that's been my problem with Martin Sheen and the way that his character has been written. It sounds like Sol has always been loving and open while he has been more repressed (but not quite because david). I wish we could see more scenes of him with Grace before he came out to see if he's come a long way. I feel

What about the scene where Frankie gets into Sol's car out of habit because that's what she's been doing all her life. That was heartbreaking and poignant but I think they could have held it for a longer beat. Frankie and her genuine love for Sol cut me mad deep yo.

Also whenever she talked to Raina, all of her proclamations came off as petulant and bitchy instead of valid well thought out choices made by a leader.

Maseo doesn't seem to have changed at all either.

I think he dropped all of that once he figured out that this was about Skye.

I think enough time has passed so that you can take the idea and run with it. Like make your own and if anyone picks up on it then bam! Best friends forever.
His word of the day voicemails are part of the reason that I always thought he was a huge nerd.

1. Ra's wanted to erase Oliver's memories so that he could become "one of them" but five minutes ago he was telling Felicity all about his past life? Que?

Well he turned once he was deep and safe in Hydra territory so I could see your theory

I think Coulson has Ward on the hook because it is clear he's still into Skye. Once Coulson gets Skye then he'll turn on Ward.

That shot of Britta looking sadly at her fingers in a cup and lightly stroking it was subtly glorious.

I could hear Logan Echolls murmuring these answers. I always thought Logan was a huge need that hung out with cool people because of money and his dad. But I guess it was just the Jason coming through.

So was Bakshi acting on Ward's orders or what? Did the brainwashing not take?

Yeah, if she's in charge of training Skye then why wouldn't she meet her dad and mediate the situation.
If Raina has this ability then maybe they're gonna have her learn their relationship and the Skye goes berserk for ruining this family that she finally has and then for sure they make her leave.

Why is nobody gushing about how adorable Winston Bishop is even with his complete lack of self confidence??

What nepotism? Do tell. Wait is this about the other Whedons?

But he wouldn't turn on Skye, not after all this right? So then what?

How old are altar boys? Maybe the priest was like a fifth year senior.

Well she did promise him she would kill him the next time she saw him for what he did to Skye. If she joins Ward, then it would be her character turning her back completely on Skye. Which it sounds like.