B. A. Baracus Maracas

I love Poncho. He was in a band (RBD) that was really famous in Mexico along with the telenovela it was based off. I need to know how Mexico is receiving his character because he comes from the macho Mexican media machine. One of his bandmates came out as gay and then went on a downward spiral. He's been in a few

My favorite Jezebel decree is "nacho cheese golem."

I kind of wanted Amaya to balance out Mick. You know he's a softie.

You're so strong Boo Boo. And the fact that you can articulate your pain is so awe inspiring.

I hope Trey went home and took advantage of his cheat day. That scene broke my heart, but I'm glad Abbi did not go chasing after him and stayed with Ilanna all night instead.

Nikki Glazer also talked about the movie Fear as her sexual awakening on her show.

It was Bechdel night on the CW.

I would love to sit in a diner and talk to Frank about boys!

Abbi's farts are becoming a running gag. Remember when she hugged Illana's dad? I thought it was him but it was totally Abbi.

Have you seen Merrit Weaver accepting the Oscar or Emmy, whichever whatever for Nurse Jackie. Best acceptance speech ever!

I loved White Josh pretending to hear the call of justice so he can be part of the group.

I loved the expression on Ichabod's face when Above threw out the unfinished food he made.

Yeah but it was George Peppard's worst nightmare!

Especially with that little bit of frost on his temple.

Enver Gjokaj is so darn dreamy.

In the first episode the narrator makes a comment about Michaels loooong career.

That's what I love about it!
Having your friends as buffers is something that you always see girls doing because they don't feel safe around certain guys. Josh doing this, low key admitting he was scared and unconfortable was just so reasonable that it highlights Rebecca's crazy in comparison. And of course his friends

I feel like this was Gus living out what he thinks is masculinity. Gus's masculinity and his idea of being a man is a thread that's getting pulled as he gets more and more hateable. He tries to be assertive on his dates, he is uncomfortable with Mickey using/needing a vibrator during sex, he feels emasculated when

Tom Mison's Ichabod Crane? He's a beautiful man! But ok, objectively hot.

Like he would never agree to have dinner alone with her even for free drinks?