B. A. Baracus Maracas

See, I saw them interact with the stuff, but I thought it was only because the were so close to the magical hard drive. Ichabod could put his hand through Jefferson but Jefferson was able to throw down the iron door. Ichabod was also able to grab the weapon. Maybe they were all holograms that they couldn't walk away

I absolutely loved Louis and Jessica's relationship. It was so strong and loving out of the gate. That scene in the principals office where they stood up for Eddie was amazing. Their relationship was my favorite part.

Unless he has a comic book counterpart, I wouldn't be surprised if he was secretly Hydra. He would be one of the seed scientists that are there from the start.

It's Parekh!

When she left that message, I thought this episode was going to be a standard sneak-into-person's-house-and-delete-the-message-to-avoid-embarassment type thing, but NOPE! So much better.

Why didn't Sousa want to say where he lost his leg? Thompson was being being super rude and that makes Sousa sassy, but c'mon! Is he Mr. Peggy or not?

Yeah but Abby goes back and loses all of her hard earned authority and autonomy. She would have a much harder time in the revolutionary period as a black woman than Ichabod (and Katrina) will ever have as a white man in the future.


Especially with Iris showing up at the scene. She's a cops daughter, so she should know better than to barge unto a crime scene and distract the cops even if he's her boyfriend. The cops did probably know her, but they should also have known better than letting her through! There was no reason for her to be present

Was that actually Garlin's son?

I loved the gag of Mindy getting chocolate straight off the wall for her sandwich. I wouldn't want to waste it either!

I'd noticed it before, but after that episode I just feel worse and worse about it.

Is Christie Brinkley coming back? I'm over how mean they are to Larry/Jerry/Garry, I want to see him happy and we'll adjusted with his family. I loved that moment when Donna went to go get him napkins.

Well, last time she was only in a couple of episodes. Since this season has a shorter order, their storyline would have to be tight so her only being around for a couple of episodes would be fine.
We could make this work!

I thought she was gonna be the girl that they were bringing back for Tom. Isn't she done with her stint in Africa by now? I'd forgotten about Lucy.

At least he was masturbating to his wife. I don't think I've seen a show/movie where the dude actually masturbates to his wife.

Omg did you see how Jake looked at Any when she was saying 72 hours wasn't enough time to plan for a date? I would like a continuation of that storyline please

Kyle Borenheimer was seen talking to a woman on color in a snazzy dress. A couple of band members were men of color. I was really excited to see them, especially the lady mingling with those rich white folk, but it wasn't enough!! It was practically nothing and that's actually bullshit.

Do you guys think Mindy Lahiri and Elle Woods would be good friends?

Oh right.
Pop quiz: Boyle/Holt season 1