B. A. Baracus Maracas

Have we had an Amy/Boyle plot line yet?

You know what, the scent where she accidentally says sex felt wrong because Phil has been so in tune with Nina for most of the season. Two episodes ago he deduced and reported her friend so that she wouldn't have to.
I though they were already in tune but just needed to slowly start building an intimate relationship.

I missed the magical episode in which they got together and when they introduced most of the supporting cast.
I just thought he was cute and into the same things as her but glaringly NOT HENRY. Which is seemingly his only flaw.

Oh man, do you think they meant to eventually kill Freddy off so that Henry and Eliza could eventually be together guilt free?

And my lack of knowledge about ER betrays mine. Not that that's an excuse nowadays but…

Damn, Freddy became such a sweetie pie. I know that Heliza was end game and all, but I have the feels for Freddy now. I'm sad we're not gonna see what happens to him either.

Jay Harrington's long face reminds me of JT from Degrassi, and I like to think that SPOILER he didn't get stabbed and instead moved to California and became an LAPD.

Well is Eliza didn't tell him about Henry she wouldn't have him try to hide it right? I don't know, this episode felt so off.

And that's the real problem, we've run out of time!

For someone that playfully puts his hand on another man's ass in a form of teasing, Boring Larry does not play around.

Mostly the Henry part?

Well, at the end of the last episode, where Eliza and Freddy are in bed together, he says that he didn't ask her to move in with him when she was homeless because he didn't want to scare her off. Henry had that realization earlier in the episode. They didn't say actually say it, but I took it to mean that Henry was

Does Freddy know that Eliza declared her love for Henry?

Is Ra not human? I'll admit I have not read the comics but if you send the cavalry after him does he not bleed?

Is she straight up Daisy now? Skye Daisy? Daisy Skye?

Mama may would have taught her better than that.

Where is the original pilot?

Well, an innapropiate joke is and innapropiate joke regardless of sexual activity.

Yeah but now she's a trained fighter. If she wanted to kill him, he'd be dead. She just wanted him to suffer a bit.

Did anybody else want to see Ra's al Ghul go up against Melinda May from S.H.I.E.L.D.?