B. A. Baracus Maracas

That part where she is sitting on his lap felt wrong and I think that may be part of it. It just felt inappropriate, like, Iris, this is your dad's house. Eddie, this is our partners house aaand your gf's dad's house. Keep your laps to yourselves, thank you.

Have they made a sex joke on the show about Barry being the fastest man alive?
Is it too easy?

Poor Jeremy, he delivers what little he has, but he's still getting sidelined. He was basically keeping the brain surgeon warm while Peter became a better person.

I don't think she meant to kill him, especially since in the next scene she couldn't kill her dad. I think it was just a huge fuck you you fucking fucker which I applaud.

Well as an early-20's lawman he also stole Lily's sex tape. Even though it was for his sister, he still had questionable morals. I was really shocked to see him as a cop again in the movie.

The baby's crying was so fake, it really took me out of this story about New York OBGYN's.

Can we talk about his face when Abbey got on the motorcycle in front of him?

When Henry stabbed Moloch, I was all like 'great, now that bitch Katrina is gonna be so smug about how her son stopped the apocalypse.'

Phil tried to be serious for Nina right? Let's be honest?

I love how preoccupied Ichabod and Abraham are with being happily married husbands.

How was that a misconstrued kiss? Felicity was totally into it.

They should take a page from Danny and Mindy from The Mindy Project. They went from couple who should to couple almost seamlessly. They casually talk about their future babies all the time. It's the cutest.

It is in everyone's best interests, including Diggle's that Oliver keep his head in the game! I didn't have a problem with Diggle interceding. He may be backup but Oliver's gotta take care him too. He's gotta think about baby Sarah.

I'm fine with that.

That's why I would expect her hiding place to be more elaborate!

Mindy hides her diary in her bedside table with her vibrators? I'm sorry, that doesn't feel realistic to me.

Why were his hands behind his back the whole time during that last scene? He's hiding something!

Wasn't Ingrid hiding in shame because of her powers? When did she have the time to learn all this magic? She got put in the can right after she lost control and killed her sister. When did she have the time to learn a memory spell?

And again, she couldn't hide the crazy.

I'm assuming that happened right after the movie.
The Snow Queen probably went back to the time lil Emma crossed over and established herself enough to have a foster home then teenage Emma could go to. So the kingdom Arendelle has been frozen for thirty-ish years? And nobody noticed/questioned/ tried to change it?