The Babaduke

Was there supposed to be some kind of argument that food waste was only happening because people were morally bankrupt? As though evil people purposely throw food away to “own the libs” or something?

The point is that it doesn’t take all that much extra care and planning to ensure that food isn’t wasted, and that the

Yeah, the only reason Shkreli found himself in the spotlight is because he put himself there. There are a ton of other odious people that get away with terrible things because they at least have the sense to not advertise how awful they are.

He has one redeeming quality:  he’s not Ted Cruz.

If you are a product of the Michigan Public School system, your comment doesn’t exactly make for a rousing endorsement of their successes.

Hint: you are on the same side as the person you just ranted at. Take a moment and re-read their comment. They were criticizing Betsy Devos, not the Michigan public school system.

I appreciate your thoughtful response. I wish you the best of luck in going through life without ever having to deal with the pain and suffering that comes with potentially tasting something funky.

So it’s ten cents worth? You’ve valued it out? What about all the fertilizer used to grow the crops to feed the dairy cows that ends up in the Gulf of Mexico, killing off huge amounts of fish? What about the hormones that dairy cows are fed that end up in our drinking water? What about the energy used to pasteurize

I think it’s totally reasonable to judge someone for wasting perfectly good food.  It’s a shitty thing to do.

I celebrated Twin Peaks day by awkwardly taking as long as possible to tell a buttload of stories that had no ending.

I’m sure just about any psychiatrist would disagree with that.

Anyways, your comments tell the tale of a frightened little man.

I think it’s less an issue of me missing your joke, and more an issue of you not making a joke.
Anyways, it wasn’t “witty,” either.

I was going to make a Jeff Dunham joke, but you beat me to it.

I did not buy into the “fear mongering” as you call it.

You misspelled “incapable”. I also did not say “lifelong”, but “lifetime”. They are different. You also failed to explain how I was “paranoid” or a “coward”. I have no blood on my hands because I have not killed anyone. And you are right, I would never give up my guns because you are to emotionally immature to deal

The guy who used dieresis, like he was writing for the New Yorker? Yeah, that was annoying. I think his handle was Senor Giuseppe, or something like that.

Tarantino is a prime example of why directors rarely should have total creative control. He lacks the discipline that someone like Scorsese has. His biggest shortcoming, as you pointed out, is in the editing of his later films.

He looks exactly like Gabe Jarret in Real Genius, so I did a Google Image search on “Real Genius mustache,” and Tim Allen’s mugshot was the first hit.

As your attorney, I advise you to seek new counsel.

It would depend on the terms of the NDA. Most likely, there’s a much larger penalty than $130,000. If some generous soul were willing to cover the penalty, than she could reveal all the details without any real consequences. Note: I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea if any of what I wrote is true.

I’m guessing he prefers to be doing the choking.

I recommend not getting cancer, that way you probably won’t have to find out. When correctly prescribed and monitored, it’s extremely unlikely to kill anyone.