The Babaduke

As it so happens, this particular grocery store is on my walk home, and it’s extremely convenient. I stopped by just after 5 on the first day it opened and was in and out with everything I needed in less than 5 minutes (the app tells you how long you were in the store).

I live above another grocery store and I would

Did you know that not all mountain ranges are known as The Rockies?

One step ahead of you.  I’m getting my own office out of the deal, so everything’s coming up BabaDuke!

I walk around with earphones in pretty much all the time for two reasons. First, to listen to music, duh. Second, to have a visual indicator to random strangers that I don’t want to talk. If I want to talk to someone, I take the earphones out. If a stranger waves at me to get my attention and I remove my earphones,

Is that a recent change? When I lived in Iowa ten years ago it was Kwik Trip.

I’ve lived all over the US and can say that my hometown is a shithole. But they had Casey’s pizza, which was pretty great.

Seeing as how there was a large influx of Mexicans into the midwest starting in the late 90s, I’d say your inability to find a good Mexican restaurant is on you. After having lived in California, I can still say the best Mexican food I’ve ever had (outside of Mexico) was in Iowa.

It’s downright brazen.  I have to admire the hubris.

The city sending out a health inspector is all well and good, but it’s not unusual for grocery stores to have mice and/or rats. They go where food is. There’s a reason that food standards allow for a certain of rat feces.

Wash your food, gang.

Counterpoint: Things can be somewhere between awful and perfect. The third seasons had some highlights, especially episode 8 and the ending, but it also had about 12 hours of filler that should have been edited out.

The answer is either Vimto or pineapple juice.

Because, aside from the Nine Inch Nails performance, it was a spectacular episode.  It almost made sitting through the other 17 hours of that season worth it.

This just reminds me of the people that were SHOCKED that the “bearded man” gif was Robert Redford and not Zach Galifianakis. Just because something seems new to one person, doesn’t make it new to others. There’s absolutely nothing incongruous about McConnell using the term “gaslight”.

Flying a hoverboard 11 miles is pretty fucking impressive.  I think it’s a condemnation of internet culture that anyone would somehow see this as a failure.

Not really--it’s probably just a more reliable way of securing funding.

Of course it’s Robert Redford, you philistine.

As someone who couldn’t give a shit about “spoilers, both of these people seem like pricks.

My favorite personalized license plate was a University of Washington plate with “ANKER”

Getting Drew Thompson in season 4 of Justified.  How the fuck was that missed?

I might have interpreted the report wrong, but from what I recall, Mueller made no definitive statement whatsoever about collusion, he only investigated whether there was sufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy. Collusion is different from conspiracy, and has no legal definition, so there’s no reason he would