The Babaduke

The guy who used dieresis, like he was writing for the New Yorker? Yeah, that was annoying. I think his handle was Senor Giuseppe, or something like that.

Tarantino is a prime example of why directors rarely should have total creative control. He lacks the discipline that someone like Scorsese has. His biggest shortcoming, as you pointed out, is in the editing of his later films.

He looks exactly like Gabe Jarret in Real Genius, so I did a Google Image search on “Real Genius mustache,” and Tim Allen’s mugshot was the first hit.

As your attorney, I advise you to seek new counsel.

It would depend on the terms of the NDA. Most likely, there’s a much larger penalty than $130,000. If some generous soul were willing to cover the penalty, than she could reveal all the details without any real consequences. Note: I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea if any of what I wrote is true.

I’m guessing he prefers to be doing the choking.

I recommend not getting cancer, that way you probably won’t have to find out. When correctly prescribed and monitored, it’s extremely unlikely to kill anyone.

I agree with everything you write here—people are too quick to blame the drug without considering that thee are those who need it. But it may surprise you that fentanyl is not the strongest pain medication that can be prescribed. Sufentanil is actually about five times stronger than fentanyl.

It’s allowed to be prescribed because some people legitimately need it.

I used to live in Sacramento, and the excuse that they all used—which does have some truth to it—is that because there was such little regular precipitation, oil built up on the roads. When it did rain, it was extra slick because of that buildup of oil coming loose because of the rain.

However, that doesn’t explain

My first attempt at sabering ended up with the bottle exploding—it was like a god damn grenade. Champagne is under a serious amount of pressure. There was still about two-thirds of the bottle remaining, which I drank after sieving it through some cheese cloth. The second attempt was successful. There will not be a

I agree with Allison, although Matthew Lillard was pretty great on Twin Peaks.

That’s more or less the response I expected.

Does ballet confuse you, too?

She’s not a musician, so you’re making the wrong comparison.

I expect Allison has seen plenty of live, actual musicians.  So have I, and very few put on a performance as good as this--and that includes Butthole Surfers.  So we’re talking best of the best.

Season 3 of Twin Peaks was definitely five of the best hours of television from 2017.

This is a well framed vertical video. You don’t come across that very often.


You haven’t brought a solid case, counselor.