The Babaduke

This American thought it was hilarious.

Exactly. Now that the first word has been spoiled for me, the whole movie is basically unwatchable. Also, my childhood has been retroactively ruined.

If the whole script got leaked, I’d read it now, and probably enjoy the movie just as much when I watch in two or three years. It’s just a fucking movie. If knowing what

I disagree.  Mortal Kombat is a good game but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever.

The best apology is to learn from your shortcomings and grow to become a better person.

You are fucking insufferable.

Let’s look at what you just wrote:

And you are speaking about Americans as if they are a homogenous mass.

Look in the fucking mirror.

The EU and the US are comparable enough. Regardless of whether the UK has left the EU yet or not, a majority of those who voted, voted for exiting the EU. Their reasons for voting for Brexit are many, and nearly all those reasons are shitty, and quite a few of those reasons basically just boil down to bigotry. 

The US

All Americans?

I don’t blame Russians, I blame the ‘C)None of the Above’ crowd.

The Northern Irish didn’t suggest using a nuclear bomb on their neighbors, but surely using actual car bombs isn’t slipping your mind?

Hey, remember when the UK “seceded” from the EU? It seems such a long time ago.

It’s a great Devo song, though.

anyone with a moral center

Evidence was presented. An accusation is evidence. A single accusaiotn can be questioned, but several accusations from multiple women who do not know each other, yet have similar accusations, is much harder to dismiss.

If you’re looking for physical evidence, that ship has sailed.

Also, you can not defer conviction,

What about the defeat was historic?

There’s a difference between “Trump voters” and “Trump supporters.” “Trump voters” voted for Trump, usually for shitty reasons, but they are different than the “Trump supporters,” who are the diehard voters that voted for him, and still resolutely support him, because they are shitty people.

Some Trump voters may be

Now playing

I don’t care for Elliot Smith as a performer, as I find him boring and whiny, but I think he’s a good songwriter. Cover versions of his songs, not necessarily including Madonna’s, are usually pretty good. Madeleine Peyroux’s cover of Between the Bars is excellent.

You should tweak your approach, then, because you mostly just come across as a pompous dick. You don’t debate, you just get into some kind of progressive dick measuring contest. You seem to hold yourself as the paragon of progressive values, and no one can compare to you. You never seem to actually consider to what

Virtually every one of your comments is about those who fail the liberal purity test. Over and over again. You constantly highjack threads and make them about those who aren’t liberal enough for you. You never seem to consider the content of how anyone replies to you, you just keep going on and on about your liberal