The Babaduke

This comment didn’t age well. Literally less than 24 hours later:

If all you have is a hammer, every problem seems like a nail.

Corey Feldman has two hammers: acting and his music. We can criticize the medium by which he plans to name names, but let’s be happy he decided to tackle this with a movie, rather than a concept album.

I think you’re putting substantially more consideration into the pharmacodynamics of “jingle-jangle” than the writers had probably intended.

A couple of Zodiac murders were similar, where Senator Cruz shot two people sitting in a parked car. In one case, one of the victims survived despite being shot three times. Also,

I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish Wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain

There is a legal means of watching UK (or other) shows that haven’t aired in the US. Just order the DVD from Amazon UK. Shipping is cheap and they’ll remove the VAT if you’re purchasing outside the UK. If you’re having trouble getting around the regional encoding, watch them on a computer. Easy-peasy.

You—“These are all Gizmodo sites. They’re all Gizmodo articles.” 


I don’t know, seems pretty easy to follow to me.

“I’m so tired of Gizmodo shit trying to be Onion shit.” 


This comment would probably be more relevant on a Gizmodo article.

The current one, you fucking imbecile.

I think the point is that they aren’t going to get away with it anymore. Except the president, of course.

There is no greater gulf between how good a show is and how bad it’s theme song is than Justified.

They would have to admit they were wrong. That requires maturity and humility—so probably not gonna happen.

Goofy dads get special dispensation.

The first time I watched Monty Python, I was shocked at how funny it was—primarily because of how unfunny it’s loudest fans are. Anyone trying to do an impression of the Minister of Silly Walks is guaranteed to be just awful.

I have found that in real life, most people who like the things I like are insufferable. Presumably, that means I am also insufferable.

How many monkeys eating how many cans of alphabet soup would it take for them to shit out A Tale of Two Cities?

Smaller states would still have their say in legislation, particularly in the Senate, where each state gets two votes, regardless of its population. Even in the House, smaller states have relatively more influence than larger states. The Electoral College only exists to elect the president and vice president. The

Even though stepped pyramids covered this quite well, since you felt the need to be so insulting, I just want to reiterate how wrong you are. The emails you are referring to came from John Podesta, not Clinton’s email server.

I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t spend the election season reading and comprehending the

I’m shocked at how many redneck fans there are of Talladega Nights. It’s not laughing with them.