This comment would probably be more relevant on a Gizmodo article.
The current one, you fucking imbecile.
I think the point is that they aren’t going to get away with it anymore. Except the president, of course.
There is no greater gulf between how good a show is and how bad it’s theme song is than Justified.
They would have to admit they were wrong. That requires maturity and humility—so probably not gonna happen.
Goofy dads get special dispensation.
The first time I watched Monty Python, I was shocked at how funny it was—primarily because of how unfunny it’s loudest fans are. Anyone trying to do an impression of the Minister of Silly Walks is guaranteed to be just awful.
I have found that in real life, most people who like the things I like are insufferable. Presumably, that means I am also insufferable.
How many monkeys eating how many cans of alphabet soup would it take for them to shit out A Tale of Two Cities?
Smaller states would still have their say in legislation, particularly in the Senate, where each state gets two votes, regardless of its population. Even in the House, smaller states have relatively more influence than larger states. The Electoral College only exists to elect the president and vice president. The…
Even though stepped pyramids covered this quite well, since you felt the need to be so insulting, I just want to reiterate how wrong you are. The emails you are referring to came from John Podesta, not Clinton’s email server.
I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t spend the election season reading and comprehending the…
I’m shocked at how many redneck fans there are of Talladega Nights. It’s not laughing with them.
Are you familiar with the current president of France?
I think it’s the exact opposite of that. I think he’s saying that if Bannon can’t even put together a decent screenplay, how could we trust him to put together decent policy? I don’t know if I agree with that argument and I think it’s a strange way to criticize someone who has so much else to criticize, but I don’t…
The picture header image is taken in sunlight, which should be the most accurate reflection of how Bannon actually looks. In that case, he looks like a corpse that’s been reanimated after four days of decay or so, or maybe that he has a light case of porphyria. A cooler color temperature would only further highlight…
Here is a Unified Theory on Unified Theories of Twin Peaks:
Get out of my head!
Yes, it’s a personal attack, not an ad hominem. The insult may have been unnecessary, but it wasn’t an ad hominem.