The Babaduke

Here’s a strangely controversial statement:

I like both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. It seems weird that there’s so much infighting over two people who want to help the country, and who share very similar platforms. Neither of whom will probably get another chance to run for president anyway.

Bernie fans, what

“Nice ad hominem attack there.”

Where? Point it out, because I sure didn’t see an ad hominem attack.

Louis Theroux did one of his specials on big game hunting and conservation—it’s worth checking out. I think it’s a good approach on the part of conservationists to use the fees that big game hunters pay to help bolster populations of endangered animals. The idea of it is icky, but has ultimately proved to be

Louis Theroux did one of his specials on big game hunting and conservation—it’s worth checking out. I think it’s a good approach on the part of conservationists to use the fees that big game hunters pay to help bolster populations of endangered animals. The idea of it is icky, but has ultimately proved to be

It’s great that Fieri is a good person, but I find him to be an unpleasant tv presenter. That’s not a strong opinion, but I think it’s a common one.

People from other countries often complain about American food, which makes sense as they typically go to the shittiest restaurants. To be fair, so do a good percent of Americans. Of course American food seems shitty when you go to the Cheesecake Factory. It’s a shame because there is a ton of great American food,

I don’t get the “what did they do to you” argument. Mark Knopfler never helped me move, but I can still enjoy his music. Guy Fieri never stole my newspaper, but I can still find him distasteful as a tv presenter.

It’s great that he’s apparently a good person, and if I get the chance to get to know him, I’ll be glad to

I think anyone who watched this season of Twin Peaks could be forgiven for assuming that David Lynch never throws out a second of footage. Bearing in mind some of the useless footage he kept in, I can’t blame her for being pissed.


I’d be in favor of having Bull from Night Court on the $5 bill.

Does Kinja not do tags, or am I just not seeing them? I’ve been willing to put up with Kinja, but not having the amazing Sean O’Neal tags is gonna be a big loss.

I’m originally from eastern Iowa, and lived through two 500 year floods over the span of a few years. Thankfully, my parent’s house was out of the floodplain, and when I was in school in Iowa City, my apartment was on a hill, so during the floods of 2008 my apartment building was basically on an island. I was trapped

All people are different, but the results of this study pretty well describe how I feel about “spoilers.” I absolutely don’t care about spoilers. I’m less concerned with what story is told than I am with how the story is told. I’d be perfectly happy to know every plot detail of every TV show or movie I watch before

The Lethal Weapon moves aren’t all that great anyway, but they’d be a lot better if the scores weren’t such crap.

If I managed to make this work, it’s only due to happenstance and comments such as yours, and not the provided instructions.

I suppose his use of "impressive" is up for interpretation. My 12 pound cat will sometimes take a dump that'll make my entire apartment reek. It's impressive in a way, but it's certainly not laudable.

Whoa! I installed the chrome for Opera thing and then installed your tool and it worked like a charm! Are you a wizard? GREAT JOB!

Apparently they'll post it after the switch. That's not how I'd handle it.

Any chance of something similar for Opera?

Words to live by.