The Babaduke

It's excellent—probably my favorite among the three good versions of that story.

Their version of Fanny and Alexander includes both the theatrical and television cuts—not sure if that counts.

You can get it from Amazon UK for about $45. Maybe less, without VAT. Shipping to the USA is probably no more than six dollars. It's not region locked, so you can play it on any BD player. Also, it's not just one movie, but two seasons, the movie, the deleted scenes, and a shitload of extras.

I'm not sure if the gunshot broke the skin, I think the blood was meant to come from just the tick. However, along the same lines, he should have some noticeable scars from being stabbed when he was protecting Windom Earle's wife.

Yeah, it's still used, but certainly not for morning sickness. It is VERY well marked as not for use with pregnant women. Say what you will about the FDA, they're the reason that the US didn't have the kind of horrific problems with thalidomide that other countries did.

No, it makes her unelected, not unelectable. The suffix matters.

There seems to be an inverse relationship between those who are obsessed with mainstream media being biased and those who know how to spell it.

*biased. The entire organization is not a concept. If they have bias, then they are biased. English is not a difficult language.


Reluctant upvote.

I think if he shaved his head now, the scars from the work he's had done would be even more unsightly.

How do you manage to get cornered by an internet article?

Obama isn't in office anymore, so they can't say he's going to take away people's guns in the hopes that will increase gun sales. So now, they are stoking fear of liberals—who are not in power—with the likely end result that innocent people are going to get killed. It's a practical business model, so long as you have

No, he thinks he's figured out a way, just like he thought democrats would be happy he fired Comey. He assumes everyone else is as much of a simpleton as he is.

That, or the 50+ accusers. But sure, blame the media.

I'm not the US criminal justice system. That doesn't apply to my opinion.

There's something else about this case that's fishy, as well. Cosby drugging women and raping them. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something fishy about that.

Jimmy Carr was the first person that I ever heard say that.