The Babaduke

Apparently you missed it, so here's a convenient link to an article from the media exposing this kind of idiocy:

I doubt you're the only one. The world is full of assholes.

I think the creators of the show get to decide what it's about. They've decided it's about more than just Twin Peaks. See: the third (current) season of Twin Peaks.

Always? What about season three?

I take it you're not a fan of Fargo?

People tend to way over-analyze Twin Peaks, and throw out some cockamamie theories, but I think this may be the some of the most cockamamie theorizing about Twin Peaks that I've ever run across. I say that fully realizing that you may even be correct.

If you don't trust Wikipedia, feel free to peruse the 327 references listed in the article.

That's pretty much what I would have guessed. These six episodes would have been three episodes with any other director.

It's even closer than that—North Bend is actually only about 30-45 minutes away from Seattle.

Well, now you've spoiled that it didn't happen. MONSTER!

I'm surprised they didn't try the secret twin brother defense.

Twin Peaks is located 5 miles south of the Canadian border, and 11 miles west of the border with Idaho. Deer Meadow is in Oregon, so it'd be at least about 200 miles away. I recall seeing something on the Fat Trout sign, something like "New Fat Trout" or "Fat Trout II" that would indicate it'd been moved. I don't

I don't think there's any reason to ban conservative Christians from the Space Council or any other scientific committees, so long as they don't let their beliefs supersede the science where any conflicts may occur.

I use Google Voice. It's free.

Yeah, the fact that he even has a college degree is enough of a liability with some of his supporters, no need to make things worse by pointing out that it's an Ivy League school.

No, Wharton is part of the University of Pennsylvania. Although I'm sure there are plenty of awful people who graduated from the Yale business school, as nearly 100% of all business school graduates at all universities are awful people. It's hard to say which one is the worst.

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. I don't think he ever attended Yale.

I don't think the pressures of office will ever get to him—in the sense of governing, at least—because I don't think he really cares about any of that. I think the constant criticism will eventually break him, though. So I'm all in favor of the endless Trump coverage.

Wow, you've really got a bee in your bonnet over those stupid "sandwiches."

Might have been, but I think most of his family is serving life in prison for various meth-related crimes. I went to school with his nephew, until he was sent off to military school after both of his parents were sent to the hoosegow. That would have been right around the time that their restaurant was open.