The Babaduke

And hospitals are motivated to get rid of doctors who make mistakes so that they won't be sued, and their colleagues are more than happy to turn them in for besmirching their profession. The police, on the other hand, tend to protect and defend problematic officers, and are considered "rats" for turning in their

Los Angeles is criminally underrepresented on television. Also, New York City—when's the last time you saw anything on TV about that place?

Goodbye, tomorrow!

I found out through Jim Beaver's facebook feed, of all places. In other news, I have replaced my facebook "friends" that I actually know with character actors that I'll likely never meet.

Yeah, must have. i stand by my comment.

In news that actually matters, Maureen O'Hara has died.

Yes, what kind of unappreciative monster would stop publicly crediting their mentor on public television week after week after a measly seven years? Of course, it's well known that even the mention of congenial German painters is poison to the celebrity-endorsed painting product market, but Bob Ross should have

He only gave him credit for a decade? Fucking ingrate!

Do you know if a black, a Chinese, or a pregnant would be surprised?

I was disappointed in the sense that it's really just another Scott Walker album, which is good, I just expected it to be more collaborative. Sunn basically seemed to just be session musicians. I was hoping it'd have more of their influence. It's a good album, though.

It's near impossible to get an idea of his output from one track. The early stuff is pop, but with an edge of darkness. His output gets darker over time, to the point where his recent stuff is basically like the soundtrack to a nightmare. It's terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

He's basically like my celebrity dad. He's a nice guy with questionable politics, and my mom is in love with him.

I'm now curious as to how often Channel 4 airs See Spot Run.

*vomits profusely into bucket*

Also mentioned in an episode of Venture Bros., so we have an independently verifiable data point.

Washington state also has a questionable history with bestiality laws:

They have blowholes, though! Blowholes!

In water, presumably.

I think if swans were physically capable of causing significant injury to people, they'd be one of the cruelest monsters. Swans are dicks.

Are they an option on Hulu? It seems like that'd be a lot of wasted Criterion commentaries if not.