The Babaduke

It'll be interesting to see where they take it, since they had pretty well wrapped up the story. Matthew Macfadyan will be back, which is especially surprising given the resolution to his story. I assume he'll be brought back to the force by some kind of unspeakable tragedy.

No. If you're curious who did play the moonshine, big boss lady, I'll give you a clue. She's mentioned probably more than anyone else in the comments as being the biggest oversight, and for good reason.

I agree, but I think the authors were trying to avoid roles that only exist in your mind. Dowd was never on Justified.

He had a brief role in the last season of Justified.

I assumed Ripper Street was done, but apparently there's going to be at least two more seasons:

Even The Alchemist's remix of Creown, which seems like it's straght-up making fun of the concept, is solid.

My cat is legitimately weirded out right now with all the cat sounds. He's just going to have to deal with it. He'll continue to have to deal with it, because MEOW THE JEWELS NOW AND FOREVER.


They have not, however, been puttin' suckas in fear.

What tolerant views are unique to the US alone?

Of course not. It *raises* the question.

Donald Bellisario has no fucking clue what anyone under the age of sixty thinks is cool, so he just looked at the damn kids that annoy him so much and based a character off of them, assuming they are what the youth of today think is cool. He missed the mark by quite a bit.

Not only acceptable, but highly encouraged, per the GOP platform.

The same applies to Longmire. It's seen as being an old people show. Maybe it is, but it's also really good, and anybody with an ounce of taste would enjoy it. There were some "reviews" of the first season on the AV Club, but they were mostly just a collection of Zach Handlen's diary entries about his obsession

She was also the enormously creepy little sister to Paul Atreides in Dune.

Guest starring Francesca Annis, if I'm not mistaken. The main thing I remember from those episodes is that Higgins drives a Robin Reliant. As an American child watching it at the time, even I knew that was a terrible design for a car.

There was a Manchurian Candidate type episode with TC, you might be thinking of that.

It also inspired the Terms of Enrampagement episode of Archer, although the dark turns in that weren't as unexpected.

Seconded on the AV Club, it's an oasis.

For whatever reason, I've been spending a lot of time on Breitbart lately. It's at least neck-and-neck with the Blaze for dumbassery when it comes to the comments. The difference is that those who write for The Blaze, while just as biased, are at least capable of halfway competent writing. Breitbart writers are