The Babaduke

I was recently in Ft. Collins, probably one of the more diverse cities in Colorado, and it was among the whitest places I've ever been, and that includes Branson.

People often forget about Bob "Moonbeam" Graham.

It's how proctologists refer to colonoscopies, I would imagine. Too literal, maybe?

I guess I'll be bringing the camera to North Bend this weekend.

Guillermo del Toro.

Gibson obviously deeply cared about the film, and it shows. Mel Gibson, despite his issues, is an incredibly talented director. But then, so is Michael Polish. I think a good storyteller can tell a good story well whether they believe in it or not; the problem here may be the source material. The Gospel According

Roger Ebert, well-known atheist, gave The Passion of the Christ four stars. I, a mostly unknown atheist, also thought it was an excellent movie.

The rising popularity of Billy Graham at a time when the Cold War was gaining momentum put Eisenhower in a position to make some questionable decisions which basically let the Religious Right slowly infiltrate politics. It wasn't vote-whoring, Eisenhower legitimately thought it was good for national morale, and it

Zealotry Zeppelin?

Where is this consignment store you speak of? Is it walking distance from Capitol Hill?

The loose feel made it seem closer to the improvised nature of the podcast to me. I loved it.

I saw one on Friday by the convention center, and just assumed it was related to those PAX dickheads. Turns out I was right.

Yeah, they actually show him in surgery late in the movie. He was a neurosurgeon, I think.

Les cousins dangeroux!

Not progeria, surely?

That's a pretty universal problem.The most frustrating places I've ever experienced fast lane ignorance are in California and Oregon. I've found traffic in Seattle to be fantastic, likely because I haven't driven since I moved here.

I can't find what stage the AV Club will be on, but Neil Hamburger will be at 12th Ave Arts, which is about a five minute walk for me. That's within my threshold of laziness. I just hope those PAX fuckers stay downtown this weekend.

Giles Corey. There was an unfortunate pressing accident 323 years ago that didn't go his way.


Oh that's not it at all. I've just seen how pointless it is to argue with you on anything. I pretty much agree with all of the points you make, but I don't agree with the extraordinary lack of tact you have. Although, to be honest, I don't see where Frossbyte was trying to deny that Robert Downey Jr. got the deal