The Babaduke

I can't tell if you're being honest. If only there were a three-letter acronym one might use to convey that.

I think the point that Frossbyte was trying to make was that the article should have focused on the paucity of women on the top paid actors list as opposed to the gap in pay between Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Downey Jr, since his pay is an extreme outlier. You're arguing with someone who effectively has the same

Is there really a smock-sharing fetish? My midwestern upbringing has made me so naive.

And some, he assumes, are good people.

Echoes is one of my favorite internet jukebox hits. It depends on the crowd, though. If it's college age kids who just want to have fun, I go for Echoes. If it's a redneck bar, Ice T's Power in it's entirety. I'm an asshole.

I first listened to Ys while going through a Van Dyke Parks phase, and couldn't deal with her voice. Then I went through a playing-Final-Fantasy-VII-while-drinking-cognac phase, and for whatever reason decided to give Ys another go. The drinking led to not wanting to bother getting up to even swap out the CD, so I

I was waiting for DLNA support, but I see now that the PS4 has it, so I guess I'm waiting for $400.

Exactly—coming from a nation where Donald Trump is the front runner for the Republican party, it's pretty hard to see Jeremy Clarkson as much more than just slightly out of touch and insensitive. Britons need to step up their asshole game if Americans are going to take their criticisms of Clarkson seriously.

When I briefly lived in California, I had a similar opinion of In N Out. It's a fast food burger, no better than any other. The natives would act as though I had just spit in their face if I dared mention that, though.

I've got some bad news to break to you…

What do you mean by government nightmare?

I just checked out the FOID form online. It asks for name, address, demographic information, SSN, driver's license number, phone number, and an attached photo. It also asks 11 questions about whether a person has been convicted of a crime or has any addictions or mental issues. A ten dollar fee is required when

I'd trace it back to Venture Bros. When it's airing every three years or so, it's the best show on television.

It does feature my favorite cameo:

That comment was a little surprising, since what you wrote was perfectly understandable and quite pleasant, aside from a slight tense issue in the second sentence. I didn't even really detect that you weren't a native English speaker.

More like $6.85/gallon. A US gallon is 3.78 litres, as opposed to the British gallon being 4.54 litres.

'“Homosexuals are gay,” Shand told reporters.'

Deceased beer and food expert, Michael "The Beer Hunter" Jackson, with the deceased international pop sensation, Michael Jackson.

I don't know that it's good as the others, but it's worth watching.

Jean Vigo's entire output clocks in at less than three hours, and he's arguably a better filmmaker than just about everyone on this list.