How about some Last Exit?
How about some Last Exit?
Seeing as how Iowa was one of the first states to legalize gay marriage and the two most prominent cases where a baker refused to provide a cake for a gay wedding and a florist refused to provide flowers were in Oregon and Washington, respectively, I think the Midwest is handling gay marriage just fine. Indiana…
It's like the geographical equivalent of high school. When you're in it, it's the whole world and you fight to be accepted in it. As soon as you graduate and move on to college, you realize that none of it mattered. I'd imagine that's tough on the popular kids, suddenly realizing that nobody cares about them…
Actually, that's the one I was thinking of, but I conflated it with the Hamburg, so thanks for reminding me. Whenever I was in that part of town, my focus was John's. I still haven't found a beer shop half as good as that place, despite searching high and low.
It means this:
I think that after working through Ebert's Great Movies, The AFI 100 best, and the Sight & Sound polls, you should have the necessary background to forge your own way in seeking out and finding good movies. If you use the movies you like from those lists and do some research on the directors of those movies and their…
They forgot the lanai. No deal.
I had just watched the Harris Wittels vine tribute, which was posted at about the same time as this article. That's the only connection. And maybe a touch of grief. I haven't seen the pretty good movie that Max Landis has written, hopefully I'll get a chance to sometime soon.
Quick reality check: biographies and research largely based on second- or third-hand accounts =/= constant, incessant, real-time reporting and documentation. Wagner didn't have twitter, Kanye does.
TMZ wasn't quite as effective in Wagner's time.
By the end of the Harris Wittels vine tribute, I was so happy that someone as talented as Wittels had the opportunity and creative outlet to share his amazing sense of humor with the world, no matter the short time he had to work with. Then I watched this asshole's video. Fucking nepotism. I had a thoroughly…
Formerly, because Oakland has gotten a lot better, I assume?
I refuse to eat Count Chocula because of my hatred of vampires.
This desperately needs some kind of background environmental audio. The total silence other than dialogue is eerie.
I discovered to my horror the other day that Connections 3 had been moved from my DVD queue to "Unavailable." Thankfully, I had already acquired it by "other means."
Some might say it's because Family Guy is a parody of sitcoms, but I agree with you. It's easier for them to say they're a parody than to have a single original idea. While I agree that it'd be nice for shows to break out of the structures we've become accustomed to, I don't know that Brickleberry would be my go-to…
So Family Guy is somehow too sophisticated?
That couldn't be any more different from my experience, which I'll not detail so as to avoid one of those dick measuring contests you dislike so much.
In your co-worker's defense, Jeff Lynne deserves way more respect than he gets.
"The likelihood of being called out for being wrong or overstepping and being mocked for it is high in such a group—so he avoids that."