The Babaduke

If you'll notice the article on American Sniper, there's a recent trend in the American public of overlooking liars if it has to do with the war in Iraq. Appropriate, given the justification for invading.

I can hear you, Clem Fandango!
Wait, Grim….where is Clem?

I love the Reverend, but you're right, his crowd work is basically just crappy schtick. It's surprisingly dad-humorish.

The Warped crowd certainly didn't appreciate him.

I might be thinking of the Blues Explosion playing after the power was shut off. I think I was at the show when your roommate got the wedgie. Those were my salad days, and not all of the memories are entirely clear.

Was that the show where David Yow was climbing the rafters at Gabe's, and then the manager shut off the power, but they kept on playing? That may refer to more than one incident.

I saw Melvins at what must have been about the time of The Crybaby, because they brought some college girl on stage to do vocals Smells Like Teen Spirit. She didn't know any of the song, and then it dawned on me that I didn't, either. I also saw them in 1998 in Wisconsin when Ozzfest and the Warped tour converged.

Sort of. Zworykin and Farnsworth worked independently initially. Farnsworth had figured out problems that Zworykin was having and vice versa. Farnsworth was the first to have a working prototype, though.

I'll allow it.

The British will point to John Logie Baird, who in the late 1920's invented a "television" that involved a bunch of spinning glass orbs and wasn't very good, as opposed to the system invented by Phil T. Farnsworth which utilized cathode ray tubes and was the standard for decades. Both had working prototypes at about

I think they're less concerned with the content of the show and more with the paycheck it provides her (and subsequently, the church).

Crazy? Clint Eastwood as an art professor that moonlights as an assassin and is also an expert mountain climber? That sounds crazy to you?

The movie that inspired the title of last week's episode of Archer.

Sketches of Spain would be fantastic.

I like the idea of continuing Fantasia, but was generally disappointed with Fantasia 2000. I thought the Rhapsody in Blue and Firebird suite segments were impressive, though. Every frame of Fantasia is a piece of brilliant art, but Fantasia 2000 seemed like it was missing something.

I was just noticing how bad Marah is at pouring a beer. Savage.

I sympathize. I actively hated KISS when I saw them live (the ticket was free), and it was the best show I've ever been to. I still hate KISS, but would see them again in a heartbeat, provided I wouldn't have to pay.

I liked him purely for the way he pronounced "bi-kini."

After reading about him, what bothered me the most was the amount of people who still view him as beyond reproach. I read several articles about the Jesse Ventura fiasco and was pretty disgusted at how Ventura was viewed as a monster who had deeply wronged a patriotic widow. Never mind the fact that Kyle straight up

Just read up on Chris Kyle and you won't feel too bad about criticizing him. He was one of those jingoistic assholes that you don't really care for.