The Babaduke

I'd maybe put Last of the Mohicans above Public Enemies, but otherwise I think you nailed it.

The sad part about that is that eastern Iowa is substantially more liberal than western Iowa, and Iowa as a whole is more liberal than a lot of other states. I'll defend Iowa City to my grave, it's an oasis, and it makes me understand cities like Austin, Chapel Hill, and Athens, Ga much better.

I have a hard time seeing Iowa as a red state, but I lived in Iowa City for a long time and it is very definitely not indicative of the rest of the state. After Joni Ernst, though, I'm not even going to bother standing up for Iowa's politics.

So then housing costs in upstate New York will give me a good idea of how much an apartment in Manhattan would cost?

I lived in Iowa City for 11 years. For $800, you could maybe get a really shitty house pretty far from downtown. A decent house, somewhere near downtown would cost at least $1000, but probably more like $1200. In most of the rest of Iowa, $800 would almost certainly be enough for a pretty decent house. The rest of

Grievous Bodily Harm?

I know someone from Calgary who describes Alberta as being Canada's Texas. He's very proud of that, inexplicably.

It all makes so much sense now.

Downvoted to counteract my previous upvote of one of your comments. I regret that double-downvote is not an option, since you would seem to prefer some sort of MeowMeowBeenz scenario of judging the worth of a person.

Upvoted for recognizing that Tom Selleck is not evil. People too regularly make that mistake.

Upvoted for harridan. Now I know what word to use to describe my mom.

Redacted - I engaged in a tu quoque argument and I regret it. Ultimately, I don't disagree with your point, but your tone isn't going to win anybody over.

To be fair, US toilet paper is pretty great.

French Polishing is preferred for a high chatoyancy. Lard is used instead of shellac.

There is mention of a private conversation in this article:

That's just the problem, it's not all in the court transcript. Rittenbrand had agreed that the sentence would be time served in a closed door, unrecorded session in his office. Both the defense and prosecution agree on that, and both sides feel the judge handled the case poorly. It would be unheard of today to

I used to feel the same way, primarily because he willingly pled guilty and only ran when the judge changed the terms. But after reading more about Polanski, I arrived at the conclusion that he is a total creep. A talented creep, but a creep nonetheless. His autobiography is probably the most damning thing I've

Were they making fun of Talk Talk? What the fuck?

Upvoted for having the hubris to upvote yourself. I admire that.

My brother was a meat market manager in a co-op, he said that if asked for a recommendation, customers always bought the more expensive items over the higher quality items despite his recommendation. I suppose because that's what mattered in their asshole dinner party conversations.