
Methinks this one doth protesteth too much.

Ten will get ya one there’s an ‘03-’11 Panther subframe under the front of that truck. It’s quickly becoming a popular swap on ‘65-’79 F Series pickups.

Parallel parking was eliminated from Ohio’s driving test back in the Seventies. A little slow on the uptake there, eh, Maryland?

Who the fuck is Josh Duggar and why the fuck does anybody care???

Hopefully soon.

That would be “White House” not Whitehouse, mkay?

“Free” health care? I hate to break this to you but NOTHING is free. NOTHING. Somebody somewhere is paying for it. And that would be you, paying your exorbitant taxes and fees.

He should have his ass kicked if he drives it in the winter. Just sayin’...

No drive-thrus for you!!!

Or a bunch of squids popping wheelies in front of a bunch of zit-faced teens.

Sporty compared to what? A cardboard box?

There was a reason for that you know. Sheesh... give it up already.

A tad nitpicky, eh?

Looks like someone already did.

Great for hiding major rust.

About 10 years ago I saw an ‘02 Explorer 4.L SOHC that went 51k miles without an oil change. Still ran on three cylinders, but oh, what a racket that poor engine made!

Years ago we had a customer drop off here totally trashed Contour and we found a mummified cat under the garbage on the back floor.

So much This.

Not really. After all, they were McDonalds cheeseburgers...