
“Hideous country” is redundant.

The vast majority of coal-rollers (at least around here) listen to country music. No self respecting head banger would do something so douchebaggy.

“Rusted out Vega” is redundant.


This shit’ll work real good in Montana. Or West Virgina. Or Maine. Or...

And you seem to be antirely too trusting...

Jobs doing WHAT???

When do the prices of goods or services ever go DOWN? Answer: Never. Don’t get your hopes up...


A Lincoln dealer. I used to drive an ‘05 Crown Vic ex-cop car and had some dork tell me all Crown Vic cop cars had superchargers, so I opened the hood and told him to point it out. He pointed straight at the alternator...

That’s a supercharger, you silly man.

That is SO not right :D !

I thought that shit happened back in ‘97? I’m always missing the good shit...

Jail. Duh. After a thorough beating, of course.

Main character from a new Steven King novel?

A couple of weeks ago a friend parked his ‘12 4Runner next to a gen 2 Tahoe. The 4Runner was every bit as wide and tall as the Tahoe! dafuq?

I’ve got a handful of quarters, is that enough?

Yo, dawg, I heard your switches got switches.

Sarcasm’s difficult on teh Interwebz ;)

And that’s a bad thing :) ???