
I think the real question is: Where does a whore sign up to test these new whore balloons? ASKING FOR A FRIEND.

Comedians joke about difficult issues because it's a "release of tension" for people uncomfortable with those issues.

My very own Slut Enhancement Pill? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. that...his wang?

Is the bucket for pukers?

I waited until my then-boyfriend (now-husband) brought up kids and I just flat-out dropped the bomb. We'd been dating about 4 months or so, and I knew I was going to marry him (one of those Woman's Intuition things). He wasn't even talking about having them. He just made a comment about how many kids were present at a

This was so touching. You've moved me to declare that I hereby volunteer to hold anyone's bouquet who does not have a BFF!

Admittedly, I'm a little disappointed that they did not make her stomach flatter or her boobs and hips curvier. She really does look that fucking good.

My spouse became this way as he aged. He became narrow-minded and cynical over the years, basically looking for things to be angry about. He excuses his own shortcomings but is quick to chastise women, blacks, and immigrants for the exact same qualities. Women and Asians are bad drivers. Blacks are criminals. Mexicans

My spouse is that way. Yay.

What-If: Bottom line, abortion is about men wanting to control women. What if they outlaw abortions? Next will they nip at the bud of birth control? Soon after, will we be fighting to keep birth control legal? What will they take away after that? A woman's right to consent? Because her proper place is at home making

First: Gotdamn you, Jezebel. I cannot read your website without suddenly yearning to quit my job and become a full-time loudmouth, despised-by-every-penis-in-America women's rights activist. Now this:

I agree Christina has a distinct vocal talent, though I can't help but say in the same breath that she also always sounds a bit froggy.

Agreed...and 'fucking gorgeous' she is not.

Forgive me for not going with the popular vote, but LeAnn's sweater is not cute. It looks like it belongs on a prepubescent boy whose mom still dresses him for school.

Well put, lady. Very well put. +2.

I call myself a feminist, and I have a hard time being offended by Mr. McMahon's article. His intentions are in the right place, bless his heart, and no one can argue that men take advantage of women to impress other men.

You are SO right. It's painfully sad to think that when people "go out" with out friends, all they do is Check In on Facebook, discuss what someone posted on Facebook, and ignore the entire reason they got together: to hang out with each other!

In Georgia, they have the Pink Plumber, which totally pissed me off. It sounds more like a gyno exam.