Even though the treatment was the director's idea
Even though the treatment was the director's idea
Seriously, my husband tried to convince me this was a thing.
Can someone please offer a link to any well-designed website (i.e.: not made by someone's teenager with a cracked version of Microsoft FrontPage97) that makes the vaccines-equals-autsm claim? I’ve heard the celebrities bang on their autism drum, but I’ve never seen or heard them credit specific sources. Frankly, it…
Seconded. I shall help you.
When did Justin Bieber start modeling for Marc Jacobs?
All the liberals scrambled to read, worship, and retweet this article.
Since we’re deciding that women are unacceptable as they are, I’d like to request that this man receives:
It looks like what my labia are going to look like in 50 years.
Thank you, Jezebel. I come here specifically to remind myself that there are other pro-choice women on the planet besides myself. Living in my conservative city/state/shithole is very lonely sometimes.
Hey, memo to the dudes of America: Stop shopping at Victoria's Secret, especially if you're paying full price. There are better bras to be had for $50, where the three inches of padding doesn't get all lopsided and the underwire doesn't pop out. I don't care if you're literally shopping for a Victoria's Secret…
This newbie is just running around Gawker attacking people who have opinions about models. It’s probably some pro-ana high school senior who would be better served spending her time in class than trolling Gawker.
Ha! Closer to the South, but further away from me. Maybe next time I go my OB, I can put on some insanely offensive rant about how disgusting kids are, then ask the doc—y’know, since they’re making value judgments about me and all—if s/he thinks a horrible person such as myself should change her mind to have kids.
That’s adorable! And, thankfully, so original! Are you Kate’s PR team? Or, perhaps, a faithful consumer of all things celebrity, undoubtedly from your hand-me-down piss-stained couch with your cats and wasted dreams and Snack Wells?
Please, tell me, where do you live and how did you get tubal ligation at 27? I’m 31 and my doctor still says no because I might change my mind. Just like some 15-year old boys realize they were ‘destined' to become doctors at 15 I was ‘destined' to never be a mother. You must not live in the South, where my ladyparts…
He also apologised to the young girls who had featured on the Facebook page.
That’s a bony bunny.
Can we all stop pretending that Britney’s 15 Minutes isn’t over? Please?
Rebecca Caruso, the executive vice president of corporate communications for L'Oréal, told theNew York Times that, "Women know that the product's results will differ for reasons such as their own personal features and makeup techniques. They do not expect to look like the model in the ad."
Perhaps my ignorance helps Ms. Morrissey's title, perhaps my ignorance helps me over a proverbial cliff...but who the hell is Elizabeth Wurtzel?