
This is terrible news. Wait until that asshat who e-mailed the TV anchor in Wisconsin finds out. He's going to have a field day.



I have a genuine pity for grown women who enter their children into beauty pageants. These mothers are winning vicariously through the child, using the infant/toddler/child to prop up their own self-esteem. It's sickening. For whatever reason, these adults have not found value in themselves and this whole charade

They are simplifications of the actual origins. See this book:

...Until you get too old for Cosmo and realize Cosmo is like, totally for, like, high school girls. Like.

Word. I miss Jane.

Also, after Ellen came out on the cover of TIME, she faded from the limelight for years after that. Although brave of her to come out, her career did take a hit from it since she made the announcement at a time when homophobia was more widespread. I'd be willing to bet that Mr. Cooper might catch some flack from his

I think we need to be pretty skeptical of anyone with a TV show and a book to sell.

They do look pretty delicious.

Mr. Gold, you're right. It isn't going anywhere anytime soon, nor is it a new 'epidemic' (#OverusedBuzzWord2012!). While there certainly exists a continuum of bullying behaviors including those extremes in which the victim is genuinely scarred, I kind of wonder if the lack of fortitude in kids comes from the

I think the underlying current in all these Roe v. Wade arguments is men exerting control over women. I cannot understand what interest a man—who played no part in the conception—has in a decision that does not affect him.

I have to agree; "Having It All" does not include "having 2.1 kids, a dog and a white picket fence." To me, "Having It All" is a slammin' career, married to/co-habitating with my best friend, interesting travels, and amazing orgasms.