
Does Trump not remember what New York was like in the 1970s? I think we’re dealing with the first leaded gasoline affected president here.

Seriously, it’s fucking stupid to think that big oil/coal are sustainable industries going forward. This administration is a joke.

I’d kinda kill for a huge increase in oil prices. I know it would hit many financially, but the less trucks and SUV’s that I see the better.

Seems like the Hellcat camp would run out of driveshafts in short order.

Let me put it this way: Donald Trump is about to key the US Constitution, simple decency, and common sense. So why the hell not?

Seriously, with each new thing I read I keep asking myself “What the fucking fuck is going on?” and THERE ARE NO ANSWERS. Words fail me.

Like Anna said, we’ve all read too many thrillers and seen too many movies like this and yet, it’s still difficult to believe that all those movies you’ve seen about a Manchurian Candidate is now real life.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

Obama was handed an economy about to spiral into a great depression. By the time Obama took office, the unemployment rate was skyrocketing. Any president would have had to do what he did to prevent a great depression. That is, take on a massive amount of debt to bail out the horrible mess that George W. Bush left us

you know no one is making you come to this site right? Isn’t there some kind of Alt-right car site you can hang out in? One that talks about cars powered only by god, country, and guns and are only made in america and where sheer american go-getitness can make every problem go away...

I would truly enjoy saying that you are right and we should just all move on. But, one word: Birther. Two words: No Bama. Three words: Taking my guns.

Wait, are you claiming that the right didn’t bitch about Obama?

It is all bad. Environmental policy is going to be massively regressive the next several years. And unfortunately an administration that is less hostile to the environment returning in 4-8 years, will not be able to reverse the damage done by the GOP.

Rest in peace, beautiful creature. :( I’m sorry humans failed you so horribly and I hope you’re swimming wild and free on the other side.

Motivate yourself to start running with your nude body in this full length mirror.

Motivate yourself to start running with your nude body in this full length mirror.

But pollution is just a myth perpetrated by the Chinese to undercut American manufacturing... or so our president elect would have you believe.

You can sorta relive that experience today. Just take a trip to Fresno when they’re spraying with airplanes. That and the diesel fumes from highway 99 will bring you back.

If business A gets .0001% less emissions by expending 80% of their entire budget, Progressive regulators demand that they do so.

...Democrats can claim they are more concerned about the environment than the Republicans...