
Where has this been my entire life (of Gmail usage)! Sign me up! :)

I use this as a kind of 'litmus test' when interviewing job candidates. Will ask them technical or other questions likely to be outside of their knowledge or experience to see how they react. Those that are confident/comfortable enough to say "I don't know", tend to carry more favour with than those who try to

Yup! Thanks! :)

Anyone (looking at you, @CamJN and @TheFu) know where to find a good/comprehensive list of all these 'defaults write/delete' tweaks for Mac OS X?

Easy - debit card, credit card, corporate charge card, driver's licence & Oyster card. No need for anything else... apart from some cash occasionally for those few merchants/markets that only accept cash.

I've been looking into doing something similar, so know your pain about the lack of tutorials, etc. Don't suppose you bookmarked the solution(s) you finally found and are able to share them with your fellow Lifehackers? Pwetty pwease?

Is that actually your username? I sincerely hope it's more ganster-speak than literal!

Now playing

In addition to this article, I recommend watching Dr. Terry Wahls TEDx talk about food for the brain to hear and see the power of correct eating. She managed to counteract the effects of her MS infliction.

Seen your reply - don't have time to respond at the moment, but will do so later this week. I'll probably private message you rather than create a string of comments here!

I live in the UK, though I'm not a history buff so can't give you a detailed list of things to do, but I can offer a few tips if you're travelling on a budget.

I recall Gina blogging about her ThinkUp app ( [thinkupapp.com] ) doing something like this, but doesn't look like it has it yet.

Try pulling from the Ireland mirror, might be better - less traffic. I got the x64 iso down in 10 minutes from it (I am in the UK, though).

Refurbished is the way to go. Here's why (courtesy of Lifehacker!) [lifehacker.com]

If 8GB is the max for your laptop, then your next option is switching out the HDD for an SSD. The read/write rate on the HDD is the main bottleneck in a computer system.

Not so, I use the free version to connect to my Mac, too.

Nice work-around, but there's an even easier way to do it. Like @airdrummingfool says, use a dynamic DNS service. I'm currently using the free service from Dyn.com for mine.

No dice getting it to work from Windows (using free viewers - some of the Enterprise products seem to have been updated to support VNC in Lion), but I have managed to get it to work using RealVNC for iOS. Surprisingly, you have to disable the VNC password for screen control for it to work (per the info page below).

Try Handbrake. It has some preset configurations specifically for iPhone.

There is an abundance of forums and dedicated sites to each/all of the Office products, but Microsoft itself has quite a good repository of training and skills-building resources - including videos.

After a screen protector, some decent head/earphones should be your second purchase. The basic, white Apple ones aren't great and everyone around you can hear what you're listening to, which can be embarrassing to you and/or irritating to others. Sennheiser CX300 or CX400 are a good place to start if you're looking