In sysprefs you've got Screensharing and Remote Management, each with 'Computer settings' to configure the VNC password for screen control - I assume that's what you're referring to?
In sysprefs you've got Screensharing and Remote Management, each with 'Computer settings' to configure the VNC password for screen control - I assume that's what you're referring to?
Happy Friday, Lifehackers!
I use a spreadsheet to create and track savings goals for this kind of thing. A lot of the maintenance costs relating a car are regular in frequency (or predictable at least), e.g. Annual tax, service, replacing tyres, etc. So, on my spreadsheet I'll specify how much I need and when I need it by and the formulas will…
Typo in full article link, as so helpfully noted by @VJ_naive. #Corrections
*replying to approve/promote comment*
*replying to approve/promote*
How is this news? The source code for this has been floating around on the 'net for weeks! :P
The link to the download page is at the bottom of the article, which also tells you the current version (0.7.1). Here's the direct download link, but recommend you check out the article link for full details: []
I've been contemplating adding EyeTV to my setup and ditching my PVR. Are you using the EyeTV plugin for Plex? []
The LastPass smartphone app doesn't use two-factor authentication, which kind of makes it the weak link in the process. That being said, I do appreciate that sometimes, if I don't have my Yubikey on me.
Mac Mini + Plex for my setup. I travel a lot and my work has a pretty restrictive proxy server/gateway, so can't navigate to media sites - so my Plex server is great for streaming my media to me.
I use LastPass with a Yubikey and it rocks. Probably worth pointing out that there is also Yubikey option with a bundled in LastPass subscription for $30. []
Either that, or they somehow managed to piss off those Anonymous script kiddies. :)
"Despite what my articles may suggest, I'm not a supporter of piracy." - Adam Dachis []
+1, sir! :)
They removed DRM from audio purchases, not video - the film studios haven't reached enlightenment like their music counterparts.
Replying to approve/promote.
It's buried deep in the settings, but you can turn off the app content backup to keep your storage use below the 5GB cap on free space:
Your comment about the size of his library makes me wonder what Apple uses to manage the ~8 million songs in their store. No way they're using clunky iTunes! I'd love for it to be WinAmp or something! lol :)
Thanks, but like @UnMicD says, Amazon Instant Video isn't available outside of the US. Zune might be an option, but can't say I enjoy the thought of having to use different media software to depending on the source of the video purchase. This walled-garden stuff is annoying. :/ Perhaps UltraViolet might be the service…