Look, I’m merely postulating that the reason women of color have it “a million times worse” (if, indeed, that’s even the case) is due primarily (but not necessarily exclusively) to the behaviour of men of color.
Look, I’m merely postulating that the reason women of color have it “a million times worse” (if, indeed, that’s even the case) is due primarily (but not necessarily exclusively) to the behaviour of men of color.
Yeah, I was being charitable for the sake of conversation. I should say that the facts that he’s using to assemble his point seen valid, even if the conclusion he’s drawing from them is a logical leap.
It can actually mean lots of things, but something tells me you’re the sort of person who’s going to ignore every other possible reason except for the most racist.
Agreed except for the notion that Picaroon has a valid point. Saying that women of colour have it worse is not saying that men of colour are more likely to be rapists, and making that leap requires ignoring what women of colour have been saying for months, years, and centuries (not coincidentally, white men and white…
Learn something.
You make a valid point, but I think that women of color might have it worse not because of more instances of rape necessarily, but rather when those instance occur, they are even less likely to be believed or sympathized with.
Actually, Joan of Arc was accused of both heresy and crossdressing — mainly because she wore men’s clothes in prison to avoid getting raped. So, um, yeah, she totally fits in with this song.
The fact that you assume women of color are only preyed upon by black men says everything I need to know about you. Also, flagged.
Maybe her best work was before my time but I’ve always thought of her as a society matron masquerading as a journalist. She was too much of an insider with powerbrokers to hold anyone’s feet to the fire unless they were D-listers. Look at the way she dismissed Corey Feldman when he tried to even hint at abuse.
They literally didn’t care because they didn’t have to. I remember Middler saying that (and also on Oprah ?) and though my parents were disgusted and always looked down on Rivera since then, there just wasn’t the reaction you see now. What could viewers do? Maybe track down an address and write to Rivera’s TV station…
The most common complaint of my peers (late teens to mid twenties, the youth vote) about Hillary Clinton was that she wore too many pantsuits)
It’s crazy how much of feminism has been about pleasing and placating men all in order to be a part of patriarchal institutions.
That she immediately tries to laugh it off makes the hurt of it so much more real for me. He is a fucking piece of human garbage, and I hope he is shitcanned within the week. Fuck him.
Wow. I’m- I’m quite speechless at this entire clip. How horrifying for Bette.
I’d say the fact that the power suit was something women were advised to wear during the eighties says it all. If women were done the favor of being let into the boy’s club, they were expected to blend in as much as possible.
It’s very generous to describe Geraldo’s word-vomit as “thoughts”
Funny how so many apologists keep parroting on about “why didn’t these women say anything sooner?”, and apart from the fact that there are a million valid reasons that most victims don’t come forward at the time, there’s also the fact that actually a lot of them did and were utterly ignored because no one gave a shit…
why are we discouraging this? let them do it, and then we’ll know who the 4Channers are by their scent. everyone wins!
I’m first trimester and I can’t stand the smell of onions without gagging (I normally like them.) I read this headline and gagged. Then I had to hurry here to tell you.