
Sounds like you would’ve condemned the wheel upon its invention as well. My investment has 5x’d since the summer, certainly beats that 2% the bank would’ve given me.

You have not merely missed the point, but hit the planet Mars instead.

As a black man who grew up as a total nerd (I’m 36), I will say no to your question. When it came to regularly available costumes, I basically had Lando (who is awesome, no doubt) growing up and well, that’s about it. Most of the time, I would resort to “I’m the black Superman,” or “black Batman,” etc. At least with

Before a white child gets to be shown playing Black Panther, let’s get a child of color shown playing someone like Superman.

I get your point here and agree on a general principle, but it absolutely makes sense for the first commercial to feature a black kid. As they get closer to the movie’s release date and more different toy commercials come out, I don’t doubt that we’ll see one with a white kid dressed as Black Panther. It is definitely


Nope sure wouldn’t but thanks for playing.

the minute i saw him in the avengers movie, that was it. black panther was easily the coolest, smoothest character. i cannot see how this movie doesn’t succeed, from the source material to the cast and the soundtrack. it’s going to be awesome for anyone who’s willing to plop down whatever it costs for a movie at your

along with a non-black friend wield Shuri’s panther gauntlets

Only one person gets to be Black Panther in the commercial though.

So glad they took the weapon from a female character and let a girl use it in the ads. Hopefully it shows they’re learning after that whole mess with giving Widow’s motorcycle moment from AoU to Cap in the toys.

I can imagine “white boys shouldn’t dress up as Black Panther because appropriation” articles (despite the fact that the BP suit doesn’t expose skin to identify anyway)

Can you imagine the outrage pieces I09 would put out if Marvel did that?

A bit tone deaf is the problem

Is this where someone drops in a screen grab of the token black kids found in toy commercials going back decades?

This movie is gonna be HUGE. I’m planning on taking my wife & step-kids to it multiple times, and I know many people who’re doing the same.

I’m going to see it, and I hope it’s a wild success, but I honestly don’t think the trailer makes it look like anything special, and actually feels disappointingly by-the-numbers in Marvel terms (the baddie being an evil version of the good guy’s suit, for instance, or some of the CGI looking a bit ropey) but I really

Ooo also I saw an interview with some entertainer and he said: “you know what America’s biggest export is? It’s not oil or clothes or any natural resouce. It’s entertainment.” Think about all the African boys and girls who will learn about Black Panther from this movie too! :*)