
How. In fuck. Did you even arrive at this twisted, broken conclusion?

And yet the fact that there was only a token “black ranger” for a bullshit effort in meeting a diversity quota does not bother you at all.

Seriously, can you just be quiet about something you don’t understand and *listen*?

“A few people saying something happened doesnt mean it happened”

You... You do not understand the power dynamics, emotional & psychological, damage, or fear of coming forward that just having the perpetrator /be/ your significant other creates, do you? Let alone how these issues magnify themselves exponentially if you and your SO are celebrities?

Realize as well that any woman accusing rape like this risks her name/reputation and career. Espescially an actress.

It’s pretty well-known that Twitch treats all women like shit unless they show tits and ass and act sexy and compliant.

As someone who is most definitely LGBTQ(Q,Q,Q, bloody fucking Q):

Yes, they’re competitive video gaming teams, ones that skew almost completely male.

You have genuine concern about whether or not to treat women like possessions to be gotten or won in some kind of game among other men?

“a lot of women want that type of attention”

It’s interesting how my reply to this is one of very few still “pending” - for over sixteen hours. Because it gets real about the ripple effect of camgirls on twitch & what it means socioculturally for other woman content creators online.

I like how this article neatly avoids the terrible backlash that every woman gamer/creator/broadcaster that *isn’t* a cam girl gets every single time they stream/upload.

Privacy certainly does not mean dishonesty. It is hardly dishonest to want time to yourself, or to want to be an autonomous person with your own choices and agency.

I feel for you that you’ve been hurt by partners with trust issues in the past. Someone foisting their damage onto you in a relationship is never fun or healthy.