
While I understand the desire to give someone the benefit of the doubt about reluctance to share about possible experimentation they’re trying ...

hahaha I am imagining the worst session ever as your boyfriend who hates anything near his ass taking a pegging from you to prove he isn’t cheating...

Holy shit, this is not a complex topic, and yet 90% of the commenters are totally thrown. Diana is NOT advocating for the right to libel people at will. She is arguing that the words “alleged” and “accused” are bad ways to carefully source allegations.

Wow, so basically either 90% of the initial commenters didn’t read the article at all and just came down here to be like “But innocent until proven guilty, yo!” or entirely missed “It is not a call to believe things just because we say them. It is asking to give us the same benefit of the doubt—or lack thereof—granted

Seeing a lot of comments in here from people who clearly didn’t actually read the post. Don’t be that person.

But in the glove compartment of his car? If you’re gonna have a auto-wank, you prepare by shoving a dildo in the dash?

Not buying it. He is cheating.

Simple: If you can’t find lube he’s cheating on you - nothings going up there without a bit of help.

He’s acting sketchy because he’s cheating on you with somebody else. Kick him to the curb and throw the used dildos at him when you do. “By the way, these are YOURS now!”

You know, I was using my wife’s sex toys for a long time, until I realized we’d been divorced for 10 years and I hadn’t laid eyes on her for almost that long.

Def cheating. If he were secretly testing out butt stuff he would’ve been more embarrassed/relieved when you found out, possibly taking the opportunity to start a convo about trying it out together.

Tell the gaslighting fuck to buy his own damn toys. An ex of mine used my (expensive) moisturizer, the cheap bastard.

Nah, that dude’s cheating and wants to be caught but then also wants to gaslight her about it. Nobody is that sloppy if they aren’t looking to be caught, but he wants to keep this one around to treat like shit for now, too.

“Then, this morning I found my vibrator in his glove compartment of his car.”

Sorry, that’s not a dude self-experimenting with assplay for the first time. That’s a guy taking your sex toys and using them to fuck someone else. 

Follow up question: how do I clear my browsing history?

The real issue here is that he isn’t putting the toys away when he’s done playing with them. That’s just rude.

Sorry, gaslighting makes him an asshole. Execute him and move on. I suggest a particle cannon to the face at about 10 meters. That way you don’t get any splatter on you when he turns into a puffy pink mist.

Why would he need it in his car? That’s the most suspicious detail..

“He told me I need to get a grip, that my crazy thoughts need to stop, and I need professional help”

Call his ass bluff and incorporate ass play into sex with him