
Denouncing is fine, you get to keep it. Renouncing, you lose it. Announcing, you tell everybody about it. Enunciating, you do so very clearly.

Anyway, fuck Steven Seagal.

You’re assuming that the other troglodytes that survive will care what it tastes like! These guys won’t be wine snobs. They’ll take their sugar beet vodka and like it!

Making booze is easy (I’ve got a lab with all the parts I need, and a starting guide somewhere) making it taste good is the hard part.

Okay mister chemist. I’ll give you some free advice: If you’re looking to be secure in a coming apocalypse, invest in a sturdy, easy to repair, and portable distillery. Along with spare parts.

Just a reminder that your use of Tor and possession of these privacy tools is sufficient grounds to target you for NSA surveillance. So tread carefully even if you’re not doing anything outside the law.

Yeah right, not everyone have the same daily schedules, like there’s a lot of entertainment available, yeah people who follow a small amount of stuff could be ok, but when dates overlap and life happens one could watch an episode today and catch up until a month or more later.

Some people don’t have the free time or really have trouble keeping up with stories, specially when seasons come after long breaks, that should’t reflect bad on them nor are they at fault there.

See, Eniko? We told you that you would be out here looking crazy if you kept talking on social media.

Plus, if you were Louis, wouldn’t you scream your innocence from the mountaintop, and also sue the hell out of anyone who falsely reported these allegations? I would, if I had his resources. That alone tells me there’s something to it.

So why is he still being tarred with this brush?

Jezebel likes to pretend this never happened.

How can he refer to “accusations”, when nobody has actually directly accused him...?

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”

I would be careful with that line of reasoning. Lots of people choose to hide their own faults by pointing them out in others. Hello, Internet.

Doing what you gotta do to survive in the new AVClub, eh Katie? Next time just make some allegations up, it’ll get even more clicks.

Katie, your continual accusations of CK are bordering on slander here. No one has accused him directly, Kirkman has admitted that she wasn’t talking about him, and I feel like you took Tig’s comments out of context. She was stating that she felt he should address the issues, not that she knew he did them. Now, I’m a

Lol @ “dodging questions”. HE JUST GAVE AN ANSWER. YOU PRINTED IT. Do you read your own articles??

Adding another icky wrinkle to the situation are the sexual misconduct allegations that have followed CK himself for several years now

Correction: AV Club continues to raise unsubstantiated allegations at every opportunity, a movie does not.