
 Sorry, that thing is hideous 

He did say that he was going for a spin today.

Not quite as shitty as you want and with a distinctly European focus, but Modern Classics is an amazing take on cars from the 80's to today and I willingly pay far too much to get it here in the States.

They gave you plenty of warning that only the strippers are allowed on stage.

Came here to say this...they were probably ahead of their time. But even today, it could work. Make the battery found in cars to have both swappable and non-swappable sections to reach the kWh the manufacturer wants. Maybe the swappable battery units are 25 kWh each and the cars are designed to be able to swap out 2

What I read:

Hey look it’s Doug!

Mine would not be the most expensive car in the world, nor the most glamorous, nor even the most reliable. I’d need a sizeable budget to rust proof and repair it each year. Yes, it is, an El Camino:

15 years with me, and 28 years with my father before that. This one is definitely my forever car.

*Prepares to get made fun of.*

The US has bombed:

Why did the driver behind the bus just happen to be filming?  At first I thought it was a dash cam video which makes sense, but this is almost like the driver expected something to happen?

I wonder if a golf all track wagon R would take Subaru’s lunch money due to their years long lack of a wagon.

Probably revenge for the absurd US restrictions for people visiting from friendly countries.

Decreased trust in the US. 

I’m “the owner”.. It was great sharing the car with the Jalopnik crew! If anyone has any specific questions I’ll keep an eye out here.

So....What’s Chris Harris really like?

Here come all the people that weren’t going to buy one anayway proclaiming that they aren’t going to buy one.

I’m aware of at least two events, so it isn’t a single occurrence.

Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well.