It is sad to see the same guy who punched out a monstrous alien reduced to the most famous cuck in the world.
It is sad to see the same guy who punched out a monstrous alien reduced to the most famous cuck in the world.
Addressing issues or desperately trying to save his head from the chopping block?
I totally thought for a second that Kotaku posted a glory hole photo.
Didn’t think so.
I am ungreyed on the Root? This must be the Kinja apocalypse. I promise to behave...
I am ungreyed on the Root? This must be the Kinja apocalypse. I promise to behave...
Stan harder why dontcha?
I have never in my long life seen a face I’d like to punch into a bloody pulp more.
If this is true why did they make her shut down her Youtube channel and take a break from social media? Have you seen the video excerpts from her joining other cast members on the promotion circuit? At a bare minimum Renner, Cheadle, and Hemsworth can’t stand her. I doubt very much they’re the only ones.
I met a boy wearing vans, 501s, and a
Dope beastie t, nipple rings, and
New tattoos that claimed that he
Was ogt,
From ‘92,
The first ep
Surprise surprise, the FF fanboy/girl has shown up to bash Blizzard! You can say a lot of things about Blizzcon but it’s always been a gathering of fans first and foremost. Why do you think they reacted so harshly to mobile games stealing the spotlight?
Surprise surprise, the FF fanboy/girl has shown up to bash Blizzard! You can say a lot of things about Blizzcon but it’s always been a gathering of fans first and foremost. Why do you think they reacted so harshly to mobile games stealing the spotlight?
They’re in continuing legal proceedings. Admission will lose them lawsuits. No way in hell are they going to do that.
They know that any online event they choose to hold will be trolled to living hell. That’s why they’re cancelling. The rest is just lip service. Plain and simple.
If a white person wears FUBU is it considered cultural appropriation?
Most people agree that there are obvious differences between those born biologically female (within the bounds of our current scientific understanding) and those who have gender dysphoria and whose biological sex doesn’t match their gender. Somehow saying this on Kinja is “trolling”.
Sorry if me having a different opinion than you makes me a “troll” Mind your own business asshole. If I was trolling, would I have engaged in a perfectly respectful discussion? You just can’t refute my ideas so you seek to silence them. Fuck off.
Why not?
Telling us to ignore the differences is exactly what you are doing though?