
Don’t you have a violent crime to commit or a baby mama to abandon?

There’s a heightened sense of social consciousness in this Dune, as well, though Villeneuve can only do so much with his source material.”

In that both are based on pure speculation with zero actual evidence?  Then yep, you’re right.

NO NO NO!  Everyone knows that anti-vaxxers are all MAGA Republicans.  This must be fake news.  Black people are infallible.

NO NO NO!  Everyone knows that anti-vaxxers are all MAGA Republicans.  This must be fake news.  Black people are infallible.

I bet you’re one of the same insufferably self-righteous critics who claimed Babadook was a thought provoking examination of grief, right? I bet you thought Get Out was an intellectual deconstruction of American race relations right? Neither movie had anything of substance to say or an especially interesting way to

No you can’t please provide evidence.

Everybody knows white people use meth. Crack is a Black people drug you fucking idiot.  Don’t you have a violent crime to commit or a baby mama to abandon?


Yep, exactly like the correlation of Black men to violent crime.

It does show that it’s exceedingly easy to play the victim your entire life though so, bonus, eh?

Yes, the great “Keep Black people out of our parks” act of 1965.

Paperwork is Racist, y’all!!!

“We can’t pinpoint exactly the cause and effect. But the association is clearly there,” Trawalter said. “At a minimum, the data suggests that localities with attitudes and intentions that led to lynchings also had attitudes and intentions associated with the construction of Confederate memorials.

this is why the World hates white women.

Hating on two people for having the audacity to fall in love with one another!

Michael Shannon deserves as much praise as Daniel Day Lewis.  He is that good.

No hating on white people in this article?  YAWN!  boring.  zero comments.  moving on.

How come when it’s something you disagree with, review bombing is one of the worst possible offenses imaginable, a true indicator of Gamergate assholery but when it’s something you agree with you tacitly endorse it?

99% audience score. Showing up in the top 10 most watched on Netflix this week. Nobody in the real world cares. Transwomen can call themselves whatever they like. They are not biological women. They have body dysphoria, an abnormality of the mind. This is not a judgement. This is objective reality.