
I’m from Texas and I had the pleasure of waking up at 5 in the morning and checking to make sure my parents didn’t freeze to death overnight. Good times. Let me tell you, the number one thing to have when there is no power is a gas grill with a side burner. The ability to boil water for coffee and tea and make

It’s not guilt. I tried watching the first episode, but decided to stop. The opening scene of this TV show is literally young children screaming as they are getting slaughtered in a school like setting.  I’m all for a good scary story and I can separate fiction from reality, but I’m not ready to watch that type of

Are you sure it was the Oreo because the first reason why I thought this wouldn’t work is because of the clash between the crisp cracker and soft industrial cookie Oreo? I would actually bet a dollar that if you tasted this Oreo with a real one, they would feel the same.

Simpsons did it.

I like turbo hopped IPAs AND I think they taste like skunk farts. It is funny what kind of tastes our palates can acquire. Scotch tastes like a combination of dirt and sawdust, but damn if I don’t like peat bog flavored whisky. At some point though, if you gave something a chance and still don’t like it, no reason not

Before everyone starts whining “free-market”, keep in mind that the US Soccer Federation is a 501c3 non profit. The first line in the bylaws of the USSF states:

The problem is that George Lucas created it and Disney bought it.  Lucas had his great story to tell and he told it, but his next grand chapter sucked.  We all watched it because we wanted to continue the story, but the truth is Lucas didn’t have.  And that’s fine, he’s got nothing to prove.  During this period, the

Yeah, it’s fast food, and 200% more “Tex” than “Mex.”

Order your shrimp by number not by pound. If you are making a dish and you see the shrimp in the counter, you should be able to eyeball about how much shrimp you want per plate. At the end of the day I have no idea what a quarter pound of shrimp is, but I can tell you that I want about 4 to 10 shrimp on my shrimp

Even corporations can’t escape the dictator trap. The customer just cares if they felt it is taking too long, only the business cares about how many seconds it took to go through the line. Makes it a complete waste of time to measure this stuff.  

Have you been to Bill Miller’s?

So is the story about forbidden square patties real or just part of the hoax?

My review: DADDY’S HOME! Ultimate Space Daddy Captain Pike’s first episode brings back a more classic feeling Trek vibe. I have tried 3 times to like Discovery and every time the show mashes the cry face sky beam most important events in the galaxy being decided by the same small handful of people over and over. I’m

Alternative history is fun and I agree they shouldn’t have changed it.  It works great in Fallout where all of world history is the same except for one divergence around WWII which creates an alternative world.  

Sounds good. Lime juice and as much dried hot chili like drunken noodle sweating hot, is how I’ve always liked ramen. 

>When you think about it, the name “Asian Zing” is about as descriptive as calling a product “American Zest.” Does that mean anything to you? I can’t imagine calling a product “European Pizzaz” would signify much to anyone else, either. All of Europe would likely be scratching their heads, because what would you

Try to look like this. As dumb as it is, this shit works.

Let me tell you a little secret. HEB makes these butter tortillas that are so ridiculously decadent that I usually can’t resist grabbing them. They have this popcorn butter smell that is intoxicating. The secret I’ve found out is butter powder. So if you want to make the most insanely delicious tortillas ever, put

Always get extra pickles.

Dude seems like he has got some serious issues. Probably the type of person that needs help more than punishment.  Unfortunately, this is America and we don’t do help, so we will do punishment, which will only make whatever issues he has worse.