
Almost anything could have taken him out, but it was COVID that did.  And while I get that cancer was the reason he was vulnerable, he'd be alive right now if Covid didn't exist.  

That’s just giving them an excuse for their ignorance. People have forgotten how to be humble.

The irony of his “I only have one body” logic is that he’s absolutely right. And his body is aging and he won’t be able to play a child’s game for money and glory much longer, especially at his age. At 29 players are starting to transition from career peak to savy veteran, especially guards. And once that’s gone, it’s

Pandemic did that for me.  Went almost completely restaurant free for six months then had Whataburger and was disgusted.  

Don’t think for a second that if Britain still possessed it's most valuable slaver colony that it would have been so eager to ban slavery in 1833.  

Don't forget 281-330-8004

Trust me, we got that shit more than covered. We got Mama Margie’s or Taco Palenque. We even got this place called Chacho’s where there is a non zero chance that you could get stabbed, but honestly, the only people who get stabbed there are the ones stupid enough to square up on belligerent drunks after the bars

I thought the same thing at first when I saw it, but then I compared it to the original and it is basically identical. Take the opening shot of Spike’s face. In the live action version, it’s boring because it’s a real human face not really doing anything. The anime version is actually an even more plain simple line

It’s a “Cal-Mex” chain doing a bastardized version of “Tex-Mex”.

I never saw this one, but I’m like, he’s definitely going to sbarro.

It’s silly, but understandable. It would be like coming to San Antonio and raving about the Mexican food you got at Chipotle. America doesn’t really have a national food identity. We’re accustomed to borrowing and remixing the food of the various immigrant groups over the centuries. Texas Barbeque is a mix of Central

Once you’ve watched the Dollar trilogy, you need to see ‘Once Upon a Time in the West’. It’s sort of the fourth movie with the same Eastwood character except they cast Charles Bronson. This time Leone had a budget and American actors, so it is beautiful and doesn’t struggle as much with the rough over dubbing the

Documentary footage of the LAPD.

Batshit insanity was kind of the point of Fox Gotham.  Once I accepted that, I (mostly) enjoyed the ride.

I think he had the juice in "The Hurt Locker".  

Come on now. I don’t believe you. I don’t really need to revisit this great story or these awesome characters, but if all they did was reskin the old KOTOR with modern graphics I’d be totally all SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.  

The most important takeaway from this story:

I occasionally, less so now, get Little Caesars and after I eat the first slice, I'm like this is good.  Then I eat the next slice and it is meh.  Anything after that it is bad.  This is the only pizza that does this.

I weigh 240. I’m a big dude. I’ve always been a big dude. Back when I was younger in high school and college and closer to 200, I was also a big dude. People have always commented that hey, you’re a big dude. My nickname, b1gdon has been there since Internet 1.0. There is no mistaking the fact that I’m a big dude. My

Just think.  All you people here are going to lose your jobs in a couple years when your Jewish Space Laser jokes about the QAnons become the latest cancelable offense.