
Why would executing innocent white men of crimes they did not commit be justice? I am not morally against the death penalty, I just know that our system of law is incapable of doing it without innocent people being murdered by the state.

Its ok.  Our tiny little monkey brains have a hard time comprehending things on any scale larger than a few acres.  

This thing is deceptive because most of a donut's problems come from it being deep fried bread.  

If it is trying to imitate a meat product I appreciate knowing what it’s trying to imitate. If this vegan butter is trying to imitate butter then I’m fine having it in the name. The problem with this product packaging is definitely deceptive. Vegan and butter should be the same size.

Because the winning campaigns want to be able to get out their spin narrative ASAP to work on the NH primary. Because someone who “wins” with a plurality of only 5 or 6% clearly makes a difference when delegates are awarded proportionally.

Blood basted fries is the secret of why mandolin cut fries taste so good.

Induced demand is 100% real. I watched it happen in Houston. We built a 23 lane highway out to the Western suburbs to relieve traffic which then resulted in an insane amount of Greenfield development way out West of the city. Why not buy a house way out in the sticks when you can easily commute into town? I'm not sure

It is definitely a lot more than the official number and not because of some cover up. There is just no way to count the people with mild symptoms with the health system being overwhelmed. Considering the high percentage of mild cases from the heavily monitored travelers from China, I think this disease is much more

His caretakers are Romulan.  Never trust Romulans.

That would have been perfect since he would have blamed Picard for killing his Mom.

Its “Starfleet’s greatest captain”, not “Starfleet’s greatest captain at getting space herpes".

Is there any reliable go to source for science news?  

Nothing burns cool.  The trick with lighting ethanol on a table is that the vapor is what ignites, heat rises, so the table doesn't get scorched.  Otherwise, we use ethanol in our cars as a fuel. It burns hot.

So, what the fuck? Why does an upper level class have assigned seating? Why does a professor in an upper level course care where his students are sitting? This is an upper level class in the social sciences department, every one involved should have a dozen more things to care about than assigned seating in a 300

That was one of the best sci fi episodes of all time!!!!! 

I’m not Black, so maybe I don’t understand...when was the “good time” to be Black in America?”

Trying to colonize Mars is like trying to colonize Antarctica, but far far worse. The conditions in Antarctica are orders of magnitude better than on Mars. Antarctica has Earth normal gravity, an ionosphere, 20% oxygen atmosphere and infinitely more water than you would ever find on Mars.  

I can share a communal basket of fries no problem, but anytime someone takes a fry off of my plate I want to jam my fork in their neck.

Its actually the same thing, the invincibility of youth.  War is an inherently dangerous activity.  You want to exploit that invincibility of youth.  So is smoking, Tobacco companies have learned to exploit that as well. In one case, our nation benefits because we need soldiers to defend our country.  There is no

Weaponized mind rape