
When the 255th District Family Court Judge Lori Hockett took away his visitation rights because he refused to believe his son was sick.  You are allowed to kill someone when protecting life and property. It seems to me at that point he had no there means to protect his child.

Its not really any different than its used here. Twitter is a content mine for media companies to use to find things to generate outrage media.

Shelton Public Schools, wrote the student’s actions were “not a reflection of who our students are...”’

Kinja today: What kind of stupid idiot gets fired for exposing their companies bullshit marketing.

If you are trying to say Texas out Floridas Florida you’re wrong. I’ll fully admit that per person, there is just as much Florida in Texas as Florida. Fortunately we’ve got a lot more space so we don’t have that pure concentrated Florida like Florida has.

There are plenty of rare and unfortunate ways for you to die, that doesn’t give you the right to blow someone away. This is just a bullshit excuse used to try to justify murder. By this very same logic, I should be able to blow someone away I see using their cell phone on the highway because they might hit me and kill

Since the very founding of this nation with Purtains, prudishness has been the domain of the conservative traditionalists. It is very interesting to see how in one generation that has flipped.

Partick Thistle

Congratulations, you have won the internet today. 

Now playing

I hope they lose because this means we can switch to the entirely superior Japanese version.

Looks like ol’ George Washington got a lifetime of herpes for his dollar.  What a deal.  

Counterpoint, he absolutely did deserve to be thrown in jail. The original biblical level punishment the judge imposed was ridiculous. One or two days in the holding cell at the courthouse would have been appropriate.  

Having been to New Orleans before playing RDR2, I had that same feeling when visiting San Denis.

Its double ironic when you consider Mao and the original Chinese Communists tried to eradicate them during the Cultural Revolution.

If you inbreed a dog long enough, it can be real pretty to look at, but not useful for much else. The same goes for fighting styles.  

That’s why Goya has the grocers stock their stuff in the ethnic section. Even in San Antonio, the Latin food ingredients are stocked with everything else by ingredient type, but you’ll always find Goya next to the soba noodles and matzo balls.  

95% of what is called Mexican food in this country is the local domestic regional cuisine of Texas, New Mexico, and California. I find calling that “international” far more offensive than calling it ethnic.

You can take offense in anything if you are looking for it. Personally I find calling what people call Mexican food “international” offensive since it is the long standing local cuisine of my very domestic, very American region.

The principal is management while the teacher and councilor are unionized.

Buc-ee’s is everything and everything is Buc-ee’s.