
The main thing to consider is that Antarctica is several orders of magnitude easier to colonize than Mars. The only impediment to Antarctic colonization is extreme temperature. Gravity, water, light, air, radiation among others are all optimal. Throw in the relatively infinitesimal cost of transport and supply from

Whataburger also has something called bun oil which you can also nix.

Whataburger also has something called bun oil which you can also nix.

Its the only way to be sure.

If it is anything more involved than shipping the store a unique box of sauce it won’t happen. I think the shake shake fries is the only one that fits that.  

Dallas got it’s big name free agent and it was taken from Houston. Unfortunately it was Chandler Parsons and he was a bust. They are in the process of recovering from that, but it takes time. Houston on the other hand has mortgaged it’s future. They don’t exactly have a large core of young players and they’ve traded

This is why we've been so successful focusing on sending robots into space. Much easier to send things specifically designed to function in that environment than squishy bags of meat and water.

If I see a good dry cider, I’ll pick that over beer whenever I go out. I find it kind of annoying how consistently sweet ciders stocked in US grocery stores tend to be. Down here in Texas I can reliably find Austin Eastciders Dry Cider on tap at bars.

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Ive tried and sucessfully overcome almost all of my food hangups, but ranch is one of the few remaining foods that nauseate me.

I think the idea is that if mc Donald’s charges 95¢ for tea and a dollar for soda, more people will choose tea and the bottom line difference for McDonald’s is a rounding error.

No one owns the moon until they pee on it.

It looks like they just retconned him to look more uncanny valley synthetic.

Oven mitts and a fork to work it out.  Of course that just leaves me with a hot ear off corn that will burn my mouth.

There is really only two ways to cook corn...boil/steam or roast.  Even roasting corn is really just steaming until you get to the charring point.  Microwave is just a really fast way to steam cook it.  Try it, it is great.

Cutting off the bottom and squeezing the ear out always works easily for me and it gets every silk in one move.  

I am as big an advocate of a proper home cooked meal as anyone, but let’s be real. Putting a TV dinner in an oven to bake for an hour is orders of magnitude easier than making a meal from scratch.

What world do you live in? About 41% of people will believe him no matter what he says.

You act like American airlines couldn't find a way to make a reasonable accommodation with their customer.  $2000 for a couple of Domestic tickets is a lot of money.  The customer service agent isn't barred by the laws of physics to help him out.  It's the company's choice to decide to screw over a customer like that. 

It’s mostly just performative Kinja. Is the pizza as good as Papa Luigioni’s Italiano Kitchen’s fire oven pizza...no. But is it still bread tomato sauce and meat baked in copious amounts of cheese grease...yes. I’m definitely going to eat a slice if someone offers it and it will taste good.

The security guard made a mistake. The guy could have been a terrorist. Or the vanguard of an alien invasion force. He should have shot him right there and then. What if he were a schizophrenic off his meds. You just never know what random fears you can think of to justify his behavior. 

They taste like those box-o-frozen burger patties you get from a church or company picnic.  They are not bad, they are just not very good.