
You couldn’t post this before I drove up to Lubbock. The chicken fried steak in Junction was good, but I stopped at a Dairy Queen on the way back when this was only an hour farther.  Bad life choices for me.

Also a good source of unique heirloom yeasts. You really want the dude to have a good jock itch going.  

Personally, I have the opposite bias. I tend to rate things opposing the stereotype higher since I figure a woman brewmaster, black quarterback or white wide receiver probably had to be twice as good to be successful.

Looks like someone brought their batteries out today.  

I have had no trouble with my lodge. I just scrub mine with a plastic dish brush under hot water while the pan is warm. Then I dry it on the stove on high heat until it is about smoking usually while doing other dishes then rub oil with a paper towel and remove from heat. 

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Someone didn’t watch the 2013 NBA finals.

I’m curious where you got the 30% number from. From what I observed in London, when there is a line for the escalator during peak times, everyone on the standing side stands and everyone on the walking side walks and both sides seemed full. It seemed to me like there was an increase in capacity as opposed to everyone

The USD is backed by the agricultural fields, manufacturing plants, real estate, and labor that makes up the $21.5 trillion dollar economy. What exactly is it that backs bitcoin? A vague promise that at some point in the future it can be used as a stable currency? And what happens if tomorrow the government decides

In the south central Texas fast food market, Bill Miller’s slaw (along with their potatoes) is the best item on their menu. They also do really good chicken.

Spending about two months picking up trash on the side of the road seems to me like a pretty appropriate punishment. It doesn’t appear to be malicious. She didn’t lure her up there and then throw her off the bridge. I know I did some really dumb and dangerous things when I was that age, but was fortunate to never hurt

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Until he did this. With a reduculous fictional accent.

That man was a prophet. Too bad we are still too stupid to realize how easy it is to fix both problems...i.e. build more housing and not buy expensive vehicles.

That is really not what happened at all in either case. In the first one, the kid got drunk at a cookout next to a river and fell in. His BAC of .2 is regular Saturday night level of reckless binge drinking, not forcing pledges to down shots of Everclear drunk. The second kid died because he was riding in the back of

Keep in mind that bone breaks usually look far worse than they are. If the break is clean, he’ll be back by the start of next season. Ligament tears and tendon separations are the long recovery career jeopardising injuries I to fear.

I don’t really see this as anything more than virtue signalling hypocrisy that’s going to end up blowing up in the progressive city council members faces and will hurt the LGBTQ community in the long run. There is a Trumpist asshole running for Mayor in our May election named Greg Brockhouse and I hope this doesn’t

If you're short staffed, don't seat tables you can't effectively serve.  

The issue is that every community even NY  has some version of The Pizza Ranch. Structuring some story about how it is representative of the place is the same snobby shit people are tired of reading from these snotty coastal media outlets. Why not structure your story around the funky Chinese Pizza Fusion joint in Des

Its a college town so I’m certain you can find a far better slice pizza on whatever commercial strip is near K-State.  

The good thing is thst Rattlesnakes are orders of magnitude more beneficial to humans than the harm that comes from their bites. If it wasn’t for all the Rattlesnakes we have, we’d be talking a lot more about bubonic plague deaths as they are crucial to keeping rodent populations in check. That’s why the guy relocated